VIII: In too deep

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*Bob's PoV*
We returned to the living room, and found Oreo picking up her coat Sinbad dried. "Good to see you Bob, I missed you but my nieces need me right now" Oreo said.

"But Adolynne, you came for help, it would be inhospitable if we didn't even try to help" I said, "Love I'm gonna go with Adolynne and help her out somehow, and Kida can you shadow travel her to Hades, she will be safe with your dad, have Sinbad tell me if anything goes wrong".

"Hurry back dear" Ree smiled, "I don't feel comfortable with you running off with another girl, but I trust you".

Adolynne and I left momentarily.

"So you and Rhea seem happy" Adolynne smiled.

"Yeah, so where do we go to find your sisters?" I asked extending my hand, "If I know the place I can teleport".

"I believe they're taken by Triton" Adolynne said as we strolled across the meadow. I stopped and she paced on a little before turning back. "Your brother right?".

"I don't know the guy" I said as I caught up to her. "Brother or not he has sided with my enemy, he's no brother to me".

"His kingdom was destroyed, no?" I asked.
"Correct" she answered, and we kept walking.

"So we are best friends and your mother is Phoe......" I said trying to think of a single Titaness that would be wonderful enough to ever .

"Not Phoebe, my mother is Leto, your Titaness Phoebe is my grandmother" Adolynne said, "We need to get to the bottom of the Aegean Sea, it's where Amphitrite has her new quarters".
We come to the shore and its eerily quiet. It was calm the sea was almost still, could swear it was a lake it was so calm it was cloudy like its about to rain, "how far out before we descend?" I asked her turning into a purebred Mustang.

She she climbed on my back and we raced across the surface of the Aegean Sea, saw a couple of fish and pone said "Hi" and Adolynne waved back at them. Water began rippling ahead as a dark mass swam beneath us.

"What's that?" Adolynne exclaimed, as she look down she saw it, the sea creature burst out of the water.

"That's a....a.....a" Adolynne was in shock.

"A Leviathan" I said looking around, "This must be it, I've met one of these before".

"You've seen a Leviathan?" She asked sarcastically. The Leviathan roared trying to take a bite out of us, but I kept galloping.

'Yes I have, I'm changing form again to fight this thing, you're gonna have to stand on water, don't worry u won't get wet" I said as she dismounted my horse form, and his head came in for another bite.

I pushed Adolynne into the air with seawater, and went under "You wanna Tango?, let's dance baby this is my territory" I pulled out Liakáda, manoeuvring myself on to his head and managed to stab his eye with Liakáda still in dagger form.

I laughed and got hit with the Leviathan's tail, and lost control of the water keeping Adolynne dry.

Luckily Adolynne is a great swimmer, her hair just don't like saltwater. Now in a daze from the strike I looked for Adolynne avoiding the the leviathan fluttering about, I made it to the surface and stood on the water calling.
Then I saw her, she was on the Leviathan's tail fin, when SPLASH!!! The Leviathan took her down. I propelled myself downward, "she can't breathe" I told myself I caught up and she was still holding her breath grabbing at her throat trying to tell me she needs air, by now the pressure was too great on her body, I forced the water to make the Leviathan let her go and we are now too far from the surface, she needs air now I put my lips to hers a gave her some air.

The Leviathan swallowed us whole, at least in here there is more air, may not be fresh air, but I didn't have to keep my lips on hers.

"Thanks for that" she smiled trying not to blush.

"Don't mention it" I exclaimed, "ever, we could stay in here, this beast serves Amphitrite, it'll take us to her, suddenly Liakáda began to glow like a dim sunlight but bright enough to light up the inside of the Leviathan.

"I've wanted that since before you swore Allegience to Artemis" Adolynne said.

"Since when the hell did I swear allegiance to my my Cousin?" I asked now interested in our past.

"You did it to save me" Adolynne sighed, "A huntress took me captive, and tried making me one them, naturally good at Archery like by twin brother and sister I didn't have many other skills".

"Then what happened" I asked.

"You really remember nothing, I didn't think you would" and the tongue forced us down the throat. The smell just got five times as bad, then fresh seawater came down his throat to join us in his stomach, "yes I can breathe fresh seawater"

"What about me, I don't wanna smell this foul place" Adolynne said almost vomiting.

"I don't know if I can change form of someone else, I've never tried" aww pray her with seawater hoping she'd just smell the sea, it helped but the smell was still there. I filtered air into a bubble for her and it worked.

"Thanks for the bobbing pin" she said, "aaaah, bobbing pin?" I asked.

"You're old nickname, like you used to call me Oreo, you met me selling Oreos" she said.

"I wish I remembered you, I just know we we're friends because one Rhea remembers you and I've seen you in a vision we we're being chased by a giant crab" I said.

"Oh, hahahahaha, yes I remember that now" she said, "your dad had to save us" and she laughed again.

"I just remember we were in a cave alone sitting on a crab shell we thought was empty, and it woke up and started clawing at us when you started singing.

"You tried to be the hero and almost died" she smirked. "Remind me to thank your dad if we see him again".

" sure thing" I said and the Leviathan began to hurl broken boat and lots of water began going back up its throat.

"Hold on to me" I yelled and she grabbed me.

We found ourselves in the presence of one goddess, Amphitrite and my half brother Triton with his wife Athena, we found ourselves on a platform with a pedestal in the middle which held a bowl of gems that repelled water, I took one for Adolynne and the one eyed Leviathan swim behind Amphitrite.

"Bob, the triplet that escaped me, we meet again, you should have been my son, not hers" Amphitrite bellowed, "I looked for you after I drowned your mother".

"I could've been your stepson and loved you back, but you killed my mother, we could have been a family" I said and tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Stop this nonsense Amphitrite" Adolynne screeched

Amphitrite just glared at her but I was too distraught to notice, being face to face with my mother's murderer.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now