III: History lesson

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"Well it's the reason I'm still terrified of Manticores, you see a Manticore chased us into the Labyrinth it's where I first met Matt, Son Of Apollo. He was kind enough to let us sleep in his barn for the night so we didn't have to look for somewhere to set up camp.  But somehow Bob, you knew exactly where you were going and led us to Tartarus" she sighed before continuing, "Manticore found us but you were ready and you made a wall of water between us and the manticore using the Cocytus" she said, with Ree and I were listening intently.

"So Leto is your Mum? You're part Titaness" Ree said out of the blue.

"Yes, my Queen, you are still Queen of Titans right?" Oreo asked.

"I guess so" she answered

"I was supposed to ask you about that Ree, When will I be Coronated as your King?" I asked. "You do want that don't you?".

"Of course I do it's just I haven't had a council of Titans since Kronos was torn apart by Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon" she put her hand on my shoulder out, and her forehead to mine, "We would have to find them all, we can start with Atlas on Mt Othrys, and maybe he knows where some Titans are hiding" Ree smiled and we were nose to nose.

"Save the kisses for when you go to bed please" Oreo snorted, "I know where Mom is Dad still visits her, and Mom wants to make him immortal".

"Immortal" Ree sighed and pouted.

"What's wrong with her" Oreo asked.

"Well she was poisoned and lost her immortality"  I frowned and hugged her, "I'll make it better, I wasn't there when you lost it, but I'll be there this time, I swear it on Raymond's life".

"Who is Raymond?" She asked.

"Sorry foresight thing, you'll meet him soon enough" I tried to have both of them not ask about the future.

"Well how do we go about restoring your immortality?" Oreo asked.

"I've thought about transferring immortality from an immortal to another" I said plainly.

"Who did you have in mind?" Oreo asked.

"The one who poisoned her in the first place" I frowned.

"There's the defensive demigod I made my husband" Ree said.

"Carry me to bed Titan, that's an Order" she shouted. "G'night Adolynne".

I stood and said goodnight to Oreo, "Yes my Queen, as you wish" and I lifted her into my arms, and we vanish from the balcony.

Then Sasha rode a Unicorn up onto the Balcony. "After it stopped raining we went out the back door for a walk" Sasha smiled and sat next to Oreo.

Tabetha neighed, "I know that neigh, I love you too" Sasha pulled Tabetha's head down by her horn and caressed her chin.

Oreo squinted, "Tabetha is that you?" Adolynne asked. But Tabetha just neighed and nodded her head up and down.

"I guess that's a yes" Oreo turned her gaze to the stars, "So many wonders in the universe".

"Not really, I've been to the corner of the universe, to rescue Bob, with Rhea and Tabetha" Sasha said, we have my Mother to save and your boyfriend and his sisters".

Tabetha changed back out of Unicorn form. "So any idea how to save Matt, Amanda and Lynne?" Tabetha asked.

"Not really no, I just, they are held by Mnemosyne, under orders of some sea goddess"Oreo said oblivious to the goddess we share as a common enemy.

"Amphitrite" Sasha and Tabetha said together.

"You know her?" She asked.

"We'll let's see, my grandmother I'm named after was murdered by Amphitrite, she told me so, to mine and Dad's face, she kidnapped Uncle Sinbad and Aunt Marina, and on my ninth birthday, she kidnapped my little brother Sebastian, and only recently slashed at him and I took the blade for him myself, not to mention she killed Sasha's Dad poisoned my Mum and kidnapped my mother in law, WHAT PART OF THIS IS OKAY?" Said an enraged Tabetha.

"Temper sweetie, Damn" Sasha patted her back.

"I'm calm, I will just RIP HER HEAD OFF THE MOMENT I GET A CHANCE!!!!" Tabetha was obviously in a bad mood, but she just lost her Father in law on top of everything else that happened, so it's understandable.

Sasha stands, to wrap her arms around Tabetha, " I just needed to scream or something, I'm gonna claw out her heart and feed it to Velocity" Tabetha said and suddenly began to smile.

"It's normally best not to let this kind of emotion get bottled up inside" Sasha looked at Oreo.

"Probably right, but when emotion causes anger and retaliation, and retaliation is reversed" Oreo began twisting her mind, "What will you do then?".

"Good question, let's see, if a dangerous tantrum is reversed and harm is caused by your own outburst, simply release emotions away from those you don't intend to hear your words" Sasha said.

"I'm still here ya know" Tabetha said.

"I know pumpkin" Sasha smiled.

"We should hit the hay" Oreo walked inside, "Night girls".

As Tabetha and Sasha walked in ten minutes after Oreo, Nick woke up, Tabetha made his bottle and Sasha took him out of his bassinet, and coddled her immortal brother in law. "I want one of our own someday" Sasha said. Mum came out tying her night robe's belt.

"Mum we got this",Tabetha said, "now go back to sleep, and yes love we'll have children, I promise you that", Sasha smiles and goes into the bedroom with Nick, as the kettle finishes boiling.

"Is everything okay out there?" I ask Tabetha. "Muy Bien Papi, calláte la boca y te amo, now go to sleep" Tabetha ordered.

"Tabetha just told me to shut up" I said. "Just give her some quiet time with her little brother" Ree leaned on me and fell asleep monetarily,

"Okay dear sleep tight" I told Tabetha.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora