XII: Brother vs Brother

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ź*Bob's PoV*

"Dad" Diana rushed to my side. "What happened?" She asked.

"Amphitrite wanted uncle Sinbad, Aunty Marina and I to be her children" I mumbled.

Diana and Adolynne helped me to my feet, "How do you feel Dad?" Diana asked me.

"Better now my Princess is here, where is your brother, sister and your sister-in-law?" I looked at her and she looked back at me.

"Uncle Bob, you okay. You look horrible" Skye pouted.

Swallowed my insecurities to be brave in front of Skye, "I'm fine darling" and stretched like nothing was wrong.

"Now let's show her why she shouldn't, mess with an Avalon" I snarled.

Skye, Diana and I, took our battle positions. Dad pulled out his dagger and turned it into his Bow. I manipulated water around me to make solid ice as my armor. Dad looked at Skye with a Stygian Iron dual broadswords. I was surprised too. "Since when did you have Stygian Iron?" I asked her.

"Gift from grandpa Hades" Skye said.

"Since when?" Dad asked her.

"Well Grandpa gave me bracelet and I wore it as a pendant until my wrists were big enough to wear them. I figured out how to unlock its dual sword form last year when Mum was teaching me to shadow travel" Skye said.

"Are we fighting or what?" triton asked dismounting his throne, "let me take this one mother".

"Make Mama proud" Amphitrite smirked.

"Agrius" Triton called, "Take out those brats, Bob is mine".

"But I wanted to destroy the slayer of Typhon" Agrius complained.

"I see my reputation proceeds me" I nodded.

"Agrius you idiot, we are underwater, this is our domain, you don't stand a chance" Triton insisted. Agrius looked at me then Triton and back at me, "okay fine, when he kills you, I guess I'll avenge you" Agrius laughed, "Because you don't stand a chance, I've struck him before".

"Enough chit chat, kill them" Amphitrite scorned.

Agrius drew his bow, the one that hit my wing once before, and the sight of it sent shivers up my spine, "Diana, And Skye watch him with that bow he's dangerous" I said and tapped my heels together my boots then clanged together as it encased my body becoming full armour.

"Let's dance brother" Triton demanded raising his trident.

"I thought you'd never ask" I smirked, "what is it you old-timers say?, Let's Tango".

"Stop Bonding and fight already" Amphitrite called.

"Shut your mouth mother, or I will side with him and take you down" Triton snapped back at his mother.

"You will not talk to me that way" Amphitrite pulled out her blade on a chain and began to swing it around like something out of one of them Kung fu movies.

She swung her blade at me from her throne.

"Mother I don't need your help" Triton said catching the chain with his trident, and yanking it.

"What have I told you about them?" Amphitrite scorned.

"Don't trust any of them they took Dad from you" Triton swung his trident around.

"From us Son, they stole a Dad from us" Amphitrite corrected.

"Not really, Dad and I went swimming the other day, but he had to get back to a Stacey someone" Triton smiled gleefully.

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