XX: Lord of Time

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*Bob's PoV*

I was at home and I woke on the couch to Melody and Bash watching a movie together. Adolynne was making pancakes for breakfast when I found her, "Bash, Mwlody we have to go" I said, "Sorry Adolynne something has come up" I said making the twins a few bottles each for on the go.

"Okay, do you need anything?" She asked.
"My wife" I replied.
"So romantic" Melody smiled, I handed Estreia to her brother, "Bash you are going to hold your sister, and your brother is with me, now take my hand" I told them.
"You can take my hand Melody" Bash chuckled. She slipped her fingers between his, I looked sideways at them placing my hand on his shoulder, we disappeared into this air.

We found ourselves surrounded by obsidian walls,"Tabetha, Dad is here, where are you?" I whispered.

"Why she is right here" said the voice of Kronos. A spotlight was flicked on, and there she was, my baby in celestial bronze chains, "don't forget your daughter in law" another light flicked on and Sasha became illuminated.

""Their demigod abilities are cancelled out in those chains" said the most beautiful voice ever.
"Ree, darling what happened to you, how could you return to him?" I asked.
"It's simple Bob, I love him" she smiled walking into the shadows as I heard a roar. Velocity's tail was covered and tied down,

"Show yourself grandfather" I called into the darkness.
"Honey would you mind" and Rhea turned the light on revealing Kronos.

His head was there and most of his chest.and his scythe was at his side. His skin was paler and more weaker looking than what he should have looked like. Rhea pulled out a vile and poured it into Kronos' mouth.

"What's the matter boy?" Kronos asked.
"Rhea, my love" I said openly.
"My love is here" she took the arm that reformed from whatever was in that Vile. She tossed me the empty vile, I recognised as the Vile Chaos had stored my energy, and my essence. "Daddy" Tabetha called as she slowly fell asleep. Her energy was being drained. "Daddy" said another voice.

"Diana" the next light was switched on illuminating Diana velocity flapped her wings vigorously but nothing happened. She couldn't break free.

I raised my hand to call Tabetha's dagger and coloured pencils off the shelf, I took Melody and Bash by their hands, and we teleported again, "Hades I need you, Persephone, take your brother and sister in law, Hades come with me to Tartarus" I said tugging at Hades arm. "What happened now Dad?" Hades asked.

"Yes your Dad" I replied.
"Brothers we are called upon once again" Hades groaned.

Thunder boomed and struck the ground, the Styx swirled up, and Hades was side by with four of his brothers.
"My boys" I said looking from Bash, to Nick, to Dad, to Zeus and to Hades.

"Brothers, we do this for Mum" Bash held up his sister's dagger. Nick held up his toy car and giggled. Hades gestured for Persephone, "take my brother and sister, keep them safe, keep them here, Carberus, here now" Cerberus busted down the
big dog door, "watch over them" Hades ordered. Cerberus growled and took Persephone in his paws and shadowtraveled away.

"Don't worry Dad, Cerberus will keep them safe" Hades said, "so a Lay down on the situation? Would be nice".
"Kronos has regenerated more rapidly than expected, Ree has restored him with the demigod essence taken from me by Chaos, he has Tabetha, Sasha, Diana and Velocity captive" I said.

"He has my sister?" Kaci stood forward. Poseidon grabbed her hand, "No, I will save our sisters, "normally we gods would let the demigods take on the mission, but this is personal, I want you here safe and sound" Poseidon said.

"I want to help fight he has my sister" Kaci protested.
"No I won't let you, if anything happened to you, I don't know what I'd do" Dad told her.

I'm a flash of lightning Zeus was gone, a wave from the Styx washed over Dad and he disappeared, and Hades retreated into the shadows. "Son flick the handle to your sister's dagger" I told him.

The dagger became a sleek golden bow, I put the box of pencils on his back, and it morphed into a quiver, "this bow is special, Apllo gave it to your sister for her ninth birthday".

"Cool" Bash smiled, "let's go kick some titanic Hiney".
"We don't want to hurt your mother" I grabbed his shoulders and kneeled so I was at his eye level, "we still love her, she is just confused, and she is mortal, we can't hurt her, are you listening?" I asked him.

"Yes Dad, but Mum didn't make me popcorn last week when I was watching Thor, just one teeny little hit in the head maybe?" bash asked hesitantly. I glared at him disapprovingly, "Okay fine" he frowned and shrugged.

"Take these two arrows", I handed him the arrows, draw them both at once, I drew two more arrows myself, "when we get there you fire yours to the left side of Mum, and I will fire to the right" I said.

"Dad I thought we weren't hurting Mum" Bash looked completely baffled.

"Can't you trust me? And stop asking questions, think about it Bash, your name may fall from the lips of everyone on Olympus, your brother Zeus will be grateful for saving your mother" I told him.

"But Dad I am only eight" Bash pouted.
"Your strength is there, I can see it, you have your mother's strength and her love is strong in you, now can I count on you? Because if you don't feel up to it you can stay here with Kacy" I said.
"No dad, I am ready, this punk has my sisters, and Mum too, he won't get away with this" Bash was scary when he had this unshakeable look in his eye.

"Let's go" I took his hand and we teleported back to the Abyss, Kronos was on his feet already going one on three with his sons. Zeus threw lightning as Kronos was running at super speed by altering time around him, allowing him to run faster than normal.

"Bash fire now" we let four arrows fly between them a net materialised, immobilising Rhea, "Cerberus" Hades bellowed, "get my mother out of here". Cerberus came and disappeared with Rhea.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now