XIII: Back to New Atlantica

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*Diana's PoV*

"What's going on?" I asked, and didn't expect Triton to answer the way he did.

"I'm at a neutral position, Mother I'm not fighting your battle" he folded his arms and closed his eyes slowly, "I shouldn't have to".

"I shouldn't have to raise you from an ungrateful brat" she growled at my brother.

"Mother let's go you've done enough damage, peace little brother" triton messed up my wet hair and dove through the ice, and water pulled Amphitrite under.

"We should regroup and get back to the underworld by your mothers" dad smiled as he took mine and Skye's hands, "Adolynne, you and the girls coming or what? I'm teleporting" he smiled as Oreo put her hand in mine then the twins grabbed hold, and we found ourselves in Hades place.

"Diana you're growing up" Hades was bombarded with a hug, "Mother, why are your mortal daughters so attached to me more than Zeus?" He asked, "MOTHER".

Except Mum and Dad were already talking alone in the corner. "Thank the heavens you're okay"

"Bash, if you're back, where's Sasha and Tabetha?" I asked.

"Well they went to look for you, now didn't they" Bash said rudely.

"So where is my Dad?" asked Skye. When Kida coddled her daughter. "He has gone with Sasha and Tabetha to look for you" Kida answered her, "Tabetha" I called psychically, "Where are you Sis? We're all back in the underworld".

"We'll be back as soon as we have Uncle Sinbad back, good to hear you're okay, just tell a Aunt Kida and no one else, but Uncle was mesmerised by a Siren posing as Aunt Kida" she said in hushed tones.

"Aunt Kida, can we talk, alone?" I asked and she looked around. "Skye,  go and find Persephone, see if she needs help with making dinner" Kida suggested then Skye vanished in darkness. I pulled Aunt Kida aside out of earshot of the others. "Uncle Sinbad is mesmerised by a Siren, he thinks the Siren is you".

"If I shadowtraveled us back, would you help me find them?" Kida pleaded, "I don't wish to involve the others, your Mum has to know and watch over Skye".

"Sure I guess, let me tell her" I found Mum almost asleep in Dad's arms. "I guess I can tell you too Dad, Aunt Kida and I are going to help Tabetha and Brandon get Uncle Sinbad from the Siren he walked off with".

"Well, he's in a pickle isn't he" Dad sighed,  "dear do be careful".

"Be careful for what? Tell me?" Sasha ordered with a hint of charmspeak in her voice.

"Tabetha is in a little trouble, Kida and I are going to rescue them" I said. Bash grew into full size emptying some poison he gathered.

"I am coming this time, siren's charms are useless on a child of Aphrodite" Sasha smiled besides if anyone is sweeping Tabetha off her feet it's going to be me" she took a pendant from Aphrodite so she could breathe if she needed.

"Dad mind giving us a send off, I would rather save my energy for the return trip" Kida asked her Dad.

"Well if you're all ready" Hades looked at us, Kida, Sasha and I as black mist erupted from his hands encircling us. bash continued to work on Aphrodite's poison. A few "take care"s and "I love you"s and "be careful"s as we vanished into darkness.

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