XV: Persuaded.

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*Sasha's PoV*
I finally lost Tabetha and made my way out of the Siren's lair, now with my locket open I can breathe. I had been crying since I saw her. I didn't care where I was or what was happening around me some guy took my hand, crying I went with him, "Sasha what's wrong?" He asked.

Recognising that voice, as the voice of my brother in law twice over "Poseidon is that you?" I asked.
"Sure is Queen of Koha" he said.
"Koha, home" I just kept crying.
"What's the matter? Where is Tabetha?" He asked again, "I thought you two were happily married".
"We are, well I'm happy to have her, but she..." I swallowed my tears, "she is falling for someone else".
"Have you ever used charmspeak on her?" Poseidon asked as he sat me on a bench.
"I have never needed to , she loved me more than I could ever force her to" I said, "until today" I cried into my knees.
"She loves you that much, you know she does, I don't see the problem" Poseidon sitting beside me.
"You're a god, you could have any girl, so I'm curious, why Kaci?" I asked curiously.
"Same reason Tabetha married you, My Son married My Mother, and Kida married my son Sinbad, Love"  Poseidon said.
"But she kissed him, I know if mother wasn't sick, this wouldn't happen"I tried to understand it, "so why do I feel this way?". I looked at my wife's brother, and saw why Kaci loved him, he's caring sensitive to a girl's feelings, no wonder he wanted to leave Amphitrite for Big Tabby. Not to mention he is very cute. No I can't this guy is Kaci's husband and Tab's brother, it's just wrong.

"I really need a hug now Bro, you mind if I call you Bro?" Breathing deeply he hugged me, "Thanks Bro"

"No mushy stuff alright" Poseidon smiled, "and sure it's okay considering you are my sister in law" I got a hug fm my brother in law, he was very warm. I began to cry and he pulled away.

"What's wrong? It's more than just a Tabetha isn't it?" He asked and he wiped my tears away and continued to as more tears came.

"Stop crying right now, you hear me" he smiled at me, and I suddenly let like I wanted to kiss him. I mean he is God of the Oceans that surround my Island.

"Hey bro, um..." I kissed his cheek.

"What was that for?" he asked.
"I don't know, I just wanted to" I replied. He looked away blushing. "I'm sorry" I said.
"It's fine, I turned down your mother when she asked me out one time" Poseidon laughed.
"You're kidding right?" I asked.
"No I was ready to give my life to your wife's grandmother, I miss her very much" he sighed.
"I could take you back in time, to see her again" I pulled out his father's scythe. "Tabetha and I have had this for a while now, and we haven't done much good with it"
"You will find a good use for it, I am sure of it" I pouted and he expressed worry, "you don't look so good Sasha".
I raised an eyebrow to look at him.

"What do you mean Poseidon?" I said with a blank expression. He held out his hand and so I took it.
"Sis I have someone here who to talk to you" he said. I heard her.

"Who is it?" I heard Tabetha as clear as day as if she were right next to me.
"Tabetha!" I couldn't say anything else.
"What the hell is Sasha doing with psychic horsespeak?" Tabetha exclaimed, I can hear her clear as day".
"She is here with me Sister, what happened?" Poseidon asked her point of view.
"I am falling for Brandon all over again, I can't lie to her" she said.
"So stabbing me in the back is the solution?" I shouted, Poseidon was holding my hand to share his horsespeak.
"Sasha has been blessed with horsespeak until you two sort this out, Tab there is no hiding from your wife" Poseidon told her.

"Oh come on, bad enough I am married to her, now I can't escape her. I guess I can try love you again Sasha" she told me, I just wish she'd say it in a more meaningful tone.

"How the Hades can I hear Sasha right now? Well Sasha you mother is cured and just needs time to heal she is still immortal, thank the heavens" Sebastian joined the conversation.
"Poseidon's blessing, out of convenience, I am family whether you like it or not Bash, Tabetha is my wife, I still love you, you are my Queen as long as we both shall live, remember?" I began to tear up. And whimpered a little.

"Sasha, you crying?" Asked Sebastian.
"Of course not" I sniffled trying to stop.
"Grandpa, she is with you right?" Sebastian asked, "hug her for me"
"Bash, I can hear you just fine myself" I said.
"Oh well, okay then" Bash said, "don't worry we'll heal your mother completely, and she will love you once more".
"How can you be so sure?" I asked.
That's what I'd like to know brother, how do you know?" Tabetha agreed with me, only I didn't want her to agree, I wanted her to return to me. I want it more than anything. "I can't change how I feel. Tabetha. I love you now terra travel here right now, don't tell me you can't hear me" She rose from the groundin all her beauty and I held her closer hoping I can cancel out Mothers affect over her.

"My Queen, I love you and Brandon, I am sorry if this hurts" she glared at me with her glassy blue eyes. "But my heart is telling me to love you both" and she kissed me.

"I needed that" I said kissing her back. "My love is yours my Queen" I whispered in her ear.
This time I tried kissing her with my own influence so her love is coming from me and not mother. So she can truly love her true love once again.

"What was that amazing kiss for? You only kiss me that way when you are worried, so what is it this time?" Tabetha wiped my tears.

"You just willingly admitted to falling for Brandon" I said.

"That's absurd, he is just our mutual friend" she kissed me twice and pulled away, "I agreed to marry you for one reason and one reason only, I love you"

"Tabetha?" I asked, "I was thinking of what you mean to me and" I took a deep breath.
"Sasha, tell me" she stared at me.
"I want to have my wife's name, I want to officially change my name to to Sasha Jane Avalon" I said
"You're the Queen, you don't need anyone's permission but your own"  she told me.

I took her hands and put them around me. "Take me home we can save the world tomorrow, I want to spend the night in with my bride and the girl of my dreams".

"Okay sure love, can we drop my sister off and my Uncle and Aunt first?" I asked.
"Don't worry sweetheart, Aunt Kida has that covered with shadowtravel" said Uncle Sinbad. I saw Diana, Brandon, Kida and Sinbad emerged from the Siren's lair, "glad to be out of there".

"Mind if I tag along this place is a bore and I have grown fond of you guys" Mselody asked, and besides it's Christmas Eve no work tomorrow".

"Oh come on then" Kida groaned.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now