XIX: Rendezvous in Tartarus

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*Diana's PoV*

I got bored when Bash didn'te want to play tag on water, "so I grew my white wings and flew toward the forest, "Velocity" I called, "where are you girl?". It was quiet, too quiet. I heard a twig snap underfoot, and when I looked to see who it was, there stood Velocity. "Can you take me to Koha girl?" I asked.

"Sure thing Princess of Titans" Velocity said. Startled at the talking Manticore I took a step back.
"Since when can you talk?" I asked.
"Since always, you must be maturing, your mother and I have had many silent conversations" she told me.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Your Dad, and your sister" she said, I climbed on her back "let's go to Koha, I miss Tabetha" I said.
"You know what? I miss her too" she thrusted her wings until we were sky high, "hold on tight" she said, and with a single flap of her wings, we shot through the air like a rocket, or maybe even faster.

Seconds later we began to slow down, "we're here Diana" Velocity said and I dismounted Velocity mid-air and flew at her side, we set foot in the courtyard, "Lady Diana" Kael lowered his head respectfully, "what can I do for you?" He asked.

"I would like to see the Queens" I said.
"Forgive me milady, but the Queens are not in their chamber" Kael said.
"Thank you Kael" I said, "Tabetha where are you? Velocity and I are on Koha".

Tabetha jumped out of the ground, "thank you Kael, as you were" she said.
"My Queen" Kael bowed with his fist over his chest and continued toward the sanctuary of Kronos.

"Let's go, Sasha is back in Tartarus, we are looking for Mum, now grab Velocity" she took my hand and I took the tip of Velocity's wing in my other, dark red rock appeared beneath me.
I felt an arm around my neck and saw my sister in law. "Hi Sasha" I smiled.
"Diana, how is your Dad?" She asked.
"He is fine, he is watching the twins, Bash and Melody are inseparable" I said.
"I guessed that, but I meant how are he and Oreo getting along?" Sasha asked.
"Well after you left, Dad left the room for Oreo, and he slept on the couch" I said, "why?".

I looked at a Tabetha and they high five each other. "We did it" they chanted several times and the ground began trembling.

"You did it alright, you made my dinner" a forty foot cyclops kneeled down at us.

"Tag team ladies?" I asked and held my palms up.
"Gladly" Velocity roared placing her paw in my hand.
"Okay Velocity you too......" Velocity swooped us all aside before we were pancakes.
"Break" Tabetha said and she ran to the side. The cyclops hammer fisted my sister, but when he raised his hand, there was just a small crater. "Tabetha your dagger" I called, she tossed it to me, and I grabbed Velocity by her tail, "fly above him and fling me onto his back" I said gripping my sister's dagger.

Once airborne I grew my wings to help with weight, "now" I said, she thrashed me upward and flicked me downward as fast as she could, I let go of her tail and gripped the dagger with both hands, the dagger pierced the back of his lower neck and split him open as momentum pushed me down even more, the cyclops bled out quickly. As his attention was on the daughter of Aphrodite after Missing Tabetha with his hammer fist.

A large open wound on his back, the Cyclops collapsed to his knees and fell forward. He hit the ground with a shuddering thud. "That is how we do it in this family Sasha, welcome to it" Diana dusted herself off.

"I doubt I can do that Princess" Sasha sighed.
"She can't fly Diana" Tabetha frowned, "but that was impressive" Tabetha held out her hand and glared into my eyes.
I looked back at her, "what?" I asked.
"My dagger" she said.
"Right, here Sis" I gripped the blade so she could take it by the handle.
"Something else bout this dagger, it can't hurt us" she sliced the blade right through my fingers. She then plunged the blade into my throat, but there was no pain or blood.
"Why would you stab me?" I asked looking for an explanation.

"If you looked you'd see there is no harm to you, Apollo nor his descendants can be hurt with this blade" she said sheathing her dagger away.

"Well now which way to Kronos?" I asked.
"My forefather is this way, time moves a little faster this way" Sasha said, "I can sense him".
"Wow, that is impressive" I smiled, "now let's fly" my wings sprouted from my back.
"Velocity can you carry Sasha?" I asked.
"Like I haven't done that before" Velocity snarled, and sped next to Sasha and wedged her head between Sasha's arm and abdomen. Sasha stood on her wing and was lifted higher climb on her back. Tabetha morphed into a hawk and we all flew side by side.

There was a faint red mist coming from the cliff of the abyss, "we're here" Sasha said.

"My Queen" Kronos boomed, "what brings you to my humble abode?"

Again there was no body just his voice, "I seek my mother in law" Sasha said loudly and clearly.
"She is here with me, convince her if you can, she has rebuilt me, and I won't let her go so easily my child" he boomed again.

"Well Tabetha, what should we do now?" I asked.

"Diana, you have lionspeak?" Mum asked. Mum just sounded like a roar to Tabetha.
"Yes Mum" I replied into the abyss.
"You can hear her Diana? How?" Tabetha asked.
"Poseidon has horsespeak, and Mum has Lionspeak" I answered.
"So why didn't I get it?" Tabetha asked.
"Mum Tabetha wants to know why she didn't get lionspeak" I roared softly.

A large lioness leapt from in the darkness, followed by the Male.
"Daughters of Rhea, climb on" they said, "velocity follow with the other one" said the lioness.
"What did they say?" Tabetha asked.
"We have to climb on and go with them" I answered mounting the Lion.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum