XI: Alone with Brandon

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*Tabetha's PoV*

Sasha had been in Aphrodite's arms all day, "Dad is gone" she whimpered as Aphrodite stroked her daughters hair. Easily and more slowly with each stroke.

"I miss him too darling" Aphrodite reached her hand out to me.

"Mother? How are you feeling?" I asked my mother in law.as she kissed my hands, I had the urge to hug her, so I did breathing heavily.

"Thank you Tabetha, for saving me, but the battle is not yet over, I'm still poisoned" she pouted.

"Don't say stuff like that, Diana, Bash and I, we saved Mother from poison, We'll save you too, I just need Diana, and we can extract the poison" I mumbled thinking too much.

"If you think it will work, Tabetha, take us to Hades with your mother and brother. Then you and Brandon go find Skye and Diana, that is an Order from your Queen" Sasha held on to her mother.

"Of course, my love" I held on to her and Aphrodite. Bash grabbed Marco and I, and Brandon took my arm.

"Mum" Bash said as he ran to her.

"Bash, you see what you can do about the Poison in Aphrodite, Brandon and I will find Diana and Skye" I said almost panicking, but I knew what I was doing, at least I think I do.

"Where is my Skye?" Aunt Kida asked.

"She is with Diana" I replied.

"I'm coming too, my baby needs me" Sinbad stood next to his father in law.

"Go my boy, find Skye and bring her home" Hades said.

"Brandon, Uncle, we should go, we don't really have time to waste" I grabbed Uncle Sinbad's arm and Brandon's hand, then Brandon smiled, but I tried not to blush, but married to Sasha or not he's cute. "See you soon Mother" I gave her a smile before we disappeared again.

I took a deep breath and disappeared again into black stone.

We were back at the edge of the city, when we pulled over our hoods and navigated the city again. We searched for Skye and Diana, realising Dad must be down here too with Adolynne.

"Dad" I called, "Bro" uncle called after me. We heard crying but when we looked like they weren't crying.

"Tabetha, where are you?" Diana asked.

"Looking for you, Skye and Dad" I replied.

"Skye, Dad is coming" Sinbad said and swam further into the city looking for them.

"C'mon on Brandon" I grabbed his hand and pulled him along turning invisible as I swam, grabbing hold of Uncle Sinbad. We swam over the underwater city.

"Here Brandon, Aphrodite snagged a couple of these, it repels water giving you air to breathe" I give him pendant of the crystal Aphrodite made. Open the locket to activate it, but keep it closed for now".

"Kida, how did you get here? You know where our daughter is?" Asked Sinbad looking at what seemed to be Sasha, and he walked off with her.

I tried to follow them, "Sasha" I called, "Sasha, don't walk away from me, my love, come back" when Brandon pulled me back, and held a firm grip on my wrist, "Brandon let go of me, I have to go get Sasha, and why is she walking away with Uncle Sinbad" I shoved him back and ran toward Sasha and Uncle Sinbad.

When suddenly Brandon tackled me, "why would Sasha walk away with your uncle?" He asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged, "maybe I'm worthless, and she deserves someone better".

"There is a simple explanation, Sasha is in the underworld with Aphrodite, look at me Tabetha" he held my ear straight and looked in my eyes. "That is not Sasha, it is a Siren, hypnotising you" I tried to pull away, I wanted to run after Sasha and Uncle Sinbad.

I struggled a little more, "Tabetha, I love you" Brandon shouted.

I was taken aback. Startled and let go of my grip on the water allowing him to breathe, and he let out a few bubbles.

Panicked for a second and opened his locket, he fell to the sea floor as there was now no water beneath him to support his weight. I swam after him. Propelled myself faster than gravity I still didn't catch him.

I believe he fell about two storeys, analysed him to find no injury a little seawater couldn't fix a broken wrist and a sprained ankle.

I closed his locker controlling the water again and water rushed around us, I healed him with seawater, "You really love me?" I asked him.

"WellIkindado, you'rereallypretty'know..." He babbled too quickly, I couldn't understand a thing he said.

"Take a deep breath then answer me" I told him.

So he took his deep breath and sighed as he exhaled, "Yes I do, I love you Tabby, and I had to say it to snap you out of the trance from the Siren" he explained.

He blushed at me wincing from his pain, I kissed his lips "Thank you, for saving my life, again" I had the saltwater ease his pain, and heal his injury.

He mumbled a bit, "wellbutiaaaah, you're welcome" he said, I took his hand and stood him up.

"Let's go find my uncle and that Siren" I said as Brandon limped, was surprised realising Seawater worked on him.

"Hey Brandon, a Dolphin or shark?" I asked.

"Dolphin" he said blushing as he thought of his kiss.

"Can you stop blushing, that was a thank you kiss, nothing more" I glared at him before looking forward pacing a little faster, he picked up the pace to stay by my side, "this way"I said, now in Dolphin form.

He held on to my dorsal fin, as we swam, "Silent Brandon, we're going invisible to save Sinbad" I whispered.

I looked around the corner there was a colony of Sirens. "Mother in Law, make me Immune to their charm, please, For Sasha" I prayed, unsure if a poisoned love goddess could help.

'There must be thousands here', I thought to myself, by the expression on Brandon's face, he is thinking the same.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now