VII: Turmoil resurfaces

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*Rhea's PoV*
"Don't look at me like that" Bob said as I just looked at him wearing a blank expression, "I know you well enough to know you're worried".

"I worry too, but if there was any problem Bob and I would know" Sinbad assured her.

"I know" I said adjusting Estreia's head, "Bob Nick's head, hold it up".

"I think I know how to raise a child, .Tabetha is fine isn't she?" He asked.

"You did well, She is my first child that the father had no intention of eating" I smiled.

"I would never do that, Tabetha is precious to me" He began to get frustrated. He is so cute biting his lip, I have no idea how he can be so calm with Sinbad being Bash's biological dad, Kida knows, she was there when Bob found out, and if she still trusts him after five years then so can I.

"I know you wouldn't and that put a smile on my face" I said glancing at him before returning my gaze back to Estreia. I saw him glance at me the way Kronos used to, which is quite annoying.

"I am pleased to hear it" Bob said pulling me to my feet, but didn't let go of my hand, And grabbed my waist with both hands, "you're my dream come true, you know that right?".

"How can you say that? Even after you know the truth" I asked.

"It's simple, I thought you knew this already, I love you" Bob smiled, "and if you have trouble believing that maybe I am not doing my part as your Husband, all I fail to understand is how you thought someone else could care about you the way I do".

"The kids could be in danger and we are here talking about Bash's real father, you should be with them" I said ," The twins are fine with me".

"I realise that love, but without your immortality, you are constantly in danger, your safety is my greatest concern, Skye, Diana, Tabetha, and Bash all have Poseidon's psychic horsespeak, apparently Diana and Skye are not with the others, and are following some spirit named Noah, Tabetha is plotting a clean and swift attack and rescue, while Noah helps them easily navigate the pitch black waters" I relayed their current situation.

"Well hello Nick" Kida said as Bob gave him to her, he then followed me to the twins room. Nick just giggled at Kida.

"You are the best thing that has happened to me in centuries" I said, "I'd be lost without you".

"Good to know love, give me your hand" he said taking Estreia from me and putting her down into her Bassinet. He kissed me more spontaneously than usual.

"No I am covered in Estreia's dribble, let me just..." He didn't let me finish and kissed my lips. That was all the reassurance I needed to know he still loves me, but how? after Sinbad and I did what we did, I thought mortals had a different sense about this sort of thing,, he handles it so much better than I do.

"I can see the worry on your face, and it hurts to see you sad, so what is it?" He asked.

"Nothing" I said, "nothing at all".

"You're lying now tell me the truth, what is bothering you?" he said calmly, so calmly he is doing everything right and it's annoying, no one is this perfect.

"It's you, you're the cause of my frustration, you do everything right and no one is this perfect, I fall you pick me up , when I'm lonely you hold me, when I cheat you forgive me?" I said "why?".

He grabbed my cheeks and looked at me, "You're telling me that no one is perfect, I beg to differ, you are perfect, You listen to me, and you listen good,  I made a vow to you even after I knew you and Sinbad had an affair yet I'm still here" he said.

"Hey, I'm sorry for that, but can you blame me?" Sinbad said poking his head in the door, "You're a wonderful Woman".

"Sinbad, I knew it you still have feelings for her" Kida said bursting in behind Sinbad.

"Oh, I do not Kida, I love you okay, who's finger has my engagement ring on it?" Sinbad frowned at Kida.

"Mine" Kida pouted back at him.

"Right and who gave me the greatest daughter I can ever ask for?" He continued grilling Kida.

"Rhea did, she is Titan of Motherhood" Kida joked.

"Kida don't be funny I am trying to have an honest conversation, I love your sense of humour but you gotta know when I'm serious" he said grabbing her hand and leading her back into the living room.

"Okay Sinbad" Kida smiled, "I gave you Skye, happy?".

"Very" Sinbad said as the pay disappeared toward the living room.

I sit on the large rocking chair and pout, and Bob smiles at me, "What are you thinking?" I asked "did you see something?".

"Si mi amor" tears came to his eyes as he glared at me, "But I don't want to worry about that right now".

"Now I'm curious, so tell me" I said. But he just nodded, "Nope".

I frowned at him and took his hand "Now tell me, that's an Order" I said.

Bob sighed back at me, "Our future" he breathed heavily.

"Okay now I'm worried, what could be so bad that you can't tell me?" I asked.

"I saw you in Tartarus, with Kronos" his eyes narrowed at me, "what's worse is there was a smile on your face". He cupped my cheeks in his hands,"You're mine now, and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon".

"What was I doing there?" I asked. I grabbed his hand and wrapped it around my neck, and I felt safe.

"Couldn't tell, but you wee happy to be there" he looked me in a caring gaze.

"Why would I be happy there?" I asked him as we left the nursery and back into the dining and living area.

"I am not a mind reader" He smiled blandly, "but I can read your facial expressions, it is telling me you're worried". Bob looked at me  caring the way he does, not budging at all. It makes my spine tingle, and feel a little awkward.

I had to stop his stare somehow, so I kissed him, and he started scratching the back of his neck like he does when I kiss him. But then he grabbed hold do me as he coddled me and caressed my shoulders. "Now let's go see how we can help Adolynne, shall we?" I asked, I feels awkward knowing she could have had you and we wouldn't ever know about it" I tried to look down but he held my chin up.

"Please Don't?" He said.

"Don't what?" I asked back.

"Hide your face from me" he said, and I could have sworn he could read my mind.

"I wasn't hiding my face from you" I pouted. "Let's join the others in the living room" I pulled him along behind me.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now