X: The Twins

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*Diana's PoV*

Skye and I looked at each other, "someone needs help" Skye said and we swam toward the scream.we found our selves coming up to a barrier that repelled water, we stepped through into dry air.

Two girls were chained together at their ankles, "Come get me you overgrown lizard" shouted one of the girls, if they weren't wearing different clothes it'd be impossible to differentiate them.

"Amanda we don't wanna Antagonise him, do we?" Asked one twin.

"Lynne, if we're going to live you have to work with me here". Amanda replied, Skye and I walked into what seemed like an Battle Arena.two girls chained together with a five metre long celestial bronze chain.

From out of no where someone said loudly, "we have new challengers to fight our Krakken" Skye looked back the way we came, "Noah" she shouted, "You Traitor, you set us up". She was talking to her ghost again, "No, Amphitrite is not Queen of the Ocean, that Title is now Kaci's".

I tackled Skye before she was crushed "watch yourself, I don't plan on carrying your corpse home, got a plan?" I asked her.

"Nope, you?" She replied.

"Shadow travel us on his head and I'll take out his sight" I answered.

"But how? We didn't bring weapons" Skye said.

"Just trust me" I held on to Skye when the Krakken swung at us again. We vanished into shadows when we saw light again, we found ourselves on his head. Skye let go of me and went airborne as a hawk to find Amanda was now being squeezed to death by a tentacle with Lynne dangling on the chain.

I grew my Scorpion tail piercing the Krakken's eyeball then jumping out of the way of and incoming tentacle just to pierce his other eye. The Krakken dropped the twins.

"You two okay? Skye asked.

"Minor concussion to the head but I'll be fine" Amanda forced a smile. "As for my sister, she may seem like she is shy and weak but she is the strongest person I know, honestly I......" The Krakken took Amanda again.

"We need a weapon" Skye said.

"I have a Sword" but only a child of Apollo can wield it or it will disintegrate in your hands" Lynne said holding up her sword.

"That'll do" Skye said as she took it.

"Miss you have to be" Lynne shouted, "of Apollo's descent" she finished quietly.

"She is great great great great granddaughter of Apollo, as am I" I said running off to aid in the battle.

'Water' I thought to myself, I ran back to water barrier stopping water flooding into the arena.there was a crystal on a pedestal, I took the crystal and gave it Lynne, and the water flooded in without the water repellant crystal to block it.

"Sit back and watch two grand daughter of Poseidon handle this" I rode a wave, a frozen surfboard I fashioned from the water.  Skye had made it to Amanda and cut off the tentacle holding her captive and the water level kept rising up to the dome where the merfolk and Marine life were watching us. Skye shadow travelled Amanda back to Lynne.

Froze more water this time I shaped them into large spikes first "Skye take this one and wait for my count" I said in horsespeak. The giant spoke moved with out my control.

I took my second l spike to the other side of his head. "Amanda can you taunt him and get his attention?" I yelled.

"What happened Krakken? Hit your head when Mama dropped you out of the ugly tree?"Amanda taunted the beast.

"Three........." He turned his head to Amanda, "two............." Readied himself for the lunge at Amanda.

"NOW!" I yelled we each drove giant spike made of ice through his head. And fell to floor of the Arena.

We swam back to Lynne and Amanda.

"Don't congratulate me, Jerk" Skye said.

"I believe he was talking to us" Lynne said.

"How can they hear you?" Skye asked Noah.

"Legacies of Hades, and daughters of Apollo" Amanda said."She is Amanda Holden, and I'm Lynne Holden".

"Why should we follow you?" Amanda asked Noah.

"He says he will take us to Amphitrite" Skye told me, "I think we should go, If we find her then we find Aphrodite".

"I agree" I said gripping my cousins hand. She squeezed mine back.

"So who are you parents?" Asked Amanda

"Our Dads are brothers and sons of Poseidon, except my mother is Kida, daughter of Hades" Skye said, "Skye Avalon nice to meet you.

"My mother is Rhea" I said.

"Queen of Titans?, your father and his grandmother are your parents?" Lynne said making sure she heard right.

"Yes my Dad is my nephew, and my mother is my great grandmother, I don't see what,s wrong with that" I said, "Dad would die to save her, or to be with her, I heard him thinking about it one night".

"It's cute, but she is his grandmother" Lynne exclaimed.

"She loves Dad too, Tabetha told me she would get grossed out when they do it" I said.

"Do what Diana?, what do they do?.skye asked.

"You don't wanna know just yet Cousin" I said.

"She is right Skye, you don't. Amanda insisted.

"Now I gotta know, Diana tell me or....." She tried to think, "or I will tell Tabetha about the boy you have a crush on"

"I don't like guys, any of them, except Dad and uncle Sinbad and Bash and Poseidon and"I said.

"Okay we get it, I didn't ask for your whole life story" Skye smirked and we walked onward guided by a dead guy. We still followed Noah through the dim lot darkness. "We can get up on our own" Skye said.

"But we can't fly out of this trench, yet we need this crystal to breathe" Lynne said shyly.

Skye looked at me, "Do I gotta be a Pegasus again?" I asked.

"A gryphon will do too. As long as you can fly and carry two people" Skye said. So we flew up but Skye swam ahead.

"Diana get up here Now!" Skye said.

Pterodactyl form and picked up the twins and flew up and dropped them, "DAD" I dropped to Dad's side.

"Adolynne" the twins chimed together.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now