XXII: Aftermath of becoming a God

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*still Sebastian's PoV*

Kronos was down, but Dad was still out cold, suddenly dust rose from where Kronos was slashed into many pieces, and the dust formed the head of Kronos, "I have the demigod essence from you Bob, I just need a demigod body to take over and I'll be back to seek my vengeance, on each and everyone of you" the dust swirled a little then dropped.

"and Don't come back" I frowned. "Dad" I ran over to My dad still laying unconscious. "we have to get him home" I dropped to my knees beside him. "I can take him back to Poseidon's palace the water will do him some good".

"I will come with you brother" Diana said.
"you're not coming with me?" I asked Poseidon.
"I need to go see Kacy and Carmen with Hades, but I'll be right behind you" he smiled as Hades grabbed Poseidon and shadowtravelled into darkness.
I grabbed hold of Dad's hand, "wait for me Bash" Diana said. "you were great, Mr God of the sea, sir" she punched my arm, and I rubbed it because it hurt a little.

"what was that for"
"it's for I love you, now take us to Poseidon's place"
"but why so hard?"
"the harder I punch you, the more you know I love you"

I began to cry when she said that. "why are you crying? I didn't even punch you that hard".
"that is exactly my point you didn't punch me that hard, so you obviously don't love me that much, Sis I would die for you, you know that right?".
"Bash stop, I am gonna cry, I love you too" she gave me a really sore quick jab to my sternum, "you lethal bitch, I love you too" I clutched my sternum.
"yeah" with that I summoned some water. The water engulfed Diana, Dad and I.
"bye see ya soon" Said Tabetha, she and Sasha vanished.

Diana, Dad and I were in Poseidon's palace, "Diana, Bash, what happened to Uncle Bob?" Skye said worriedly.
"he isn't doing too good" I replied.
"bro if only I had known" Sinbad gripped Dad's hand.
I then summoned a giant blue clamshell bed, Diana made Dad drift onto the bed.
"come on Dad, you can do it" I gripped his hand, and nothing, I checked his pulse and it was faint.
"how is he?" asked Poseidon as he arrived with Kacy and Carmen.
"still unconscious" I sighed watching Dad.
"Hey Bash, Sinbad, look who I got" Poseidon said. There she was Mum and with her was Aphrodite too.

"what happened to him?" Mum asked. "come back to me, Bob I need you, I'm sorry".

I fell over Dad next to Mum, I entered a vision where Tabetha, Sasha, Skye, Diana and I were in the stream of time trying to capture dad's soul just floating there. "Bash wake up" Mum was shaking me. "don't do that to me, not while your dad is unconscious".

"Mum chill okay, he just had a vision" Diana exclaimed and turned to me, "what did you see?".

"Dad won't wake Mum, his soul is trapped in the stream of time, we need Sasha" I said.
Mum kissed Dad on the lips, "I love you, come home to me" he didn't even flinch and acknowledge Mum's presence.

"Skye, I need you sis" I looked at Mum, "yes Mum I know" Uncle Sinbad is my Dad, it came clear to me when Poseidon made me a god" I said,

Skye looked at me, "I have a brother" she cried.
"Mum" Diana looked at Mum then Dad, then Uncle Sinbad, then Me.
"It's true Diana and Skye, Bash is half brother to both you" Mum confirmed.
"Skye can your big brother have a hug" I asked. Tears weren't noticeable as we were underwater but there were definitely tears and she ran to me I held her close.

"So we need Me, you, Skye, Sasha and Tabby to rescue Dad?" Diana asked.
"Just Sasha Tabetha and Skye, but I wanna save dad too" I said.
"And I'm not staying behind" Diana added.

*Tabetha's PoV*

I terra-travelled to the underworld to see Persephone, who I am sure still has the twins. "Tabetha thank goodness, I don't think they like me very much since we were taken to that place, they believe it was because of me they went to that place, it's for the damned, we go there for refuge, however the endless screams of restless souls didn't help" Persephone said handing my brother to means Estreia to Sasha.

"Let's take them home, and thank you for this Persephone, once all this is smoothed over, We'll have a get-together on Koha" I took Sasha's free hand with mine.
"okay then, Bye girls" she waved. we disappeared.
Hades came from the shadows, "I thought they'd never leave".
"Hey, she is your sister" Persephone sighed.
"but I can't really do this when they're here" Hades kissed Persephone and they disappeared into darkness.

It was good to be home at Mum and Dad's place. I undressed my little brother and sister to give them a bath. Without touching the tap I turned the water on. Water gushed out of the faucet. Estreia was apparently excited to see me, she reached her arms out to me, "big sister missed you too" I replied in a baby voice. Estreia giggled with her fingers in her mouth as she smiled. I kissed her soft chubby cheeks. She just giggled. Oblivious to anything happening around her.

"Can you say Tabby?" I asked.
"Gabby" Estreia giggled.
"Close enough" I sighed.she had dark hair like Mum and Dad. Sasha was holding her brother in law, I watched her with him just smiling. "I want one of our own" she said.

"You want a child?" I asked as I sat and held my sister.
"Yes I want a baby of our own" she said. I smiled indefinitely, because I want to mother her child.
"Give me a child to call our own" I told her, she kissed me and tended to my brother.
"Looks like you will be an Aunt, sis" I laughed "Aunty Streia".
"And Uncle Nick" Sasha added.
"Dabby" Nick giggled. He sounded so cute I walked closer to him and Sasha and he reached for me.
I kissed my brother and took him from Sasha, now holding both twins.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now