XIV: The Sirens' lair

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*Tabetha's PoV*

It was dark and had a luminous purple glow in here from the purple crystals growing from the walls. Nice and cool too if you're hot and bothered, "Diana, Sasha and Kida are on their way" I told Brandon, he looked at me awkwardly. "I wanted more time alone with you" he said and looked away so I couldn't tell what he was thinking by the expression on his face.

"I kinda wanted more time with just you too to be honest" I smiled and my smile was returned.
"Uncle, where are you?" I asked psychically. But no reply.
"Can't you just use your foresight to find him?" Brandon asked.
"For some reason it's not working down here, it is an inherited gift from Apollo, and do you see any sunlight down here? Is place is exactly my strong point"

"Tabetha, we found you" Diana hugged me, and so did Sasha.

"Well known fact around here, this crystal is what makes someone hallucinate, seeing what they desire, in most cases, they see the person they love" Melody stated, "however a child of Aphrodite is naturally immune to it as is Aphrodite herself".

"Thanks for the history lesson professor" I said, Sasha laughed, and it wasn't even funny. Sasha put her arm through mine. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Oh me? Yeah I just missed you" Sasha smiled at me and entwined her fingers in mine.

"Okay I wasn't gone long to be honest" I sighed, "You're smothering me darling".

"This is the one? The Tabetha that you married?" Melody asked.

"And who might you be sweetness?" I looked at this new girl that arrived with Diana, Sasha and Aunt Kida.  She had a pretty red tail and a red ribbon tying back her black hair. And deep green eyes like Mum and Dad.

"Tab, this is Melody, daughter of Ariel and Eric, grand daughter to King a Triton and Queen Athena, and great grand daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite" Diana said.

"Well, nice to meet you princess Melody" I grinned, "I am Tabetha Avalon, Daughter of Rhea and Bob Avalon, Princess of Titans and Queen of Koha, I see you have met my Sister Diana"

"Yeah we've met" Melody smiled "briefly"

"So how do we find Sinbad?" Diana asked. I looked at her, "anything with your foresight Sis?"

"No I've triedthat already" I answered.

"So why don't you two bloodhound it up and track him already?" Sasha suggested.

"Good idea Sister" Diana hugged Sasha briefly.

"Except bloodhounds sense of smell requires air, now a shark could pick up a scent better" I replied.

"Okay genius, at least Sasha had the idea to track him with our shapeshifting" Diana snapped at me.

"Who cares let's just find Uncle and get out of here" I said.

"Don't have to be rude to Sasha" Diana said.

Sasha looked at Diana, "It's fine Diana, she didn't mean it, to completely undermine my suggestion" Sasha looked at me hinting a little charmspeak in there.

"Of course I meant..." Sasha glared at me, "of course I didn't mean to undermine you, love" I corrected myself.

"Diana, my mother is still poisoned, Tabetha's perception of who she loves isn't normal right now" Sasha whispered to Diana. Diana sighed at Sasha. "I know it's just, you're my favourite Sister in law, well next to Persephone".

"Sasha, I have a confession" I took a deep breath.
"What is it love?" She said with a big smile.
"I'm sorry, but I kissed Brandon" I pouted, "He is just so cute"
"Why would you....how.....where, wait what?" Sasha was obviously mind boggled.
"I know it's Aphrodite's poisoning causing it but I kinda like Brandon, again" I confessed.
"and that is supposed to justify stabbing me in the back?" She was angry now.
"I'm sorry, but I am falling for him again" I snapped back at her.
"Kida can you send me back to the underworld please?" She asked.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Kida asked.
"No this isn't what I want, I want my wife to love me" her eyes were glassy and glimmered in the faint purple light. She looked at me crying, "I love you" and she ran off by herself.
"Happy now?" Diana asked, "there goes my favourite sister in law"
"She is your only sister in law?" I said
"Yes, she is my favourite my sister in law?" She said angrily, biting her lip as she glared at me, "I'm disappointed in you".
"Sasha wait for me, my love" I called as I followed her.
"Don't call me that, you don't feel the same way anymore" she rounded another corner. I lost her in the maze of tunnels. I called for over and over again, "Sasha", "babe", "honey", "darling", "my Queen", but nothing worked.

Looking for Sasha I found Uncle Sinbad, surronded by two Sirens, I thought that when I saw a Siren I would either see Sasha or Brandon, but I saw the Siren itself. Uncle was sitting on a rock, although he looked as comfortable as he would in bed watching movies with Aunt Kida.

"Tabetha darling, come sit by Uncle, Aunty and Skye" he pat the rock next to him, we're watching Finding Nemo"

"Tempting Uncle, but we have to go" I told him.

"But darling it's the best part, there's this delusional fish" he moaned.

"I think I found the delusional fish too" I took his hand, but the Sirens pulled him back. "I have been rather wanting to pull out my dagger for a while now, you two although innocent as you are, I need my Uncle back". I pulled out my dagger, held it firmly.

"Tabetha don't you dare hurt your Cousin or Aunt!" Sinbad pleaded. I still cut their hands off, it's better than taking their lives.

"Kida, my love, what has your niece done to you?" Sinbad held the hand of the disembodied Siren and began to cry. Kida walked in and watched him, Tabetha was pushed backward by Sinbad, "look what you did to her beautiful hand".

"Delusional fish alright" Kida snarled. Sinbad was too distraught to see the real Kida was here.

"I want my woman in one piece" Sinbad glared at me, and drew his sword forged from river Acheron. He raised his sword pointing his finger at me.

"Leave her alone love, I'm completely fine" Kida disarmed him bending his sword arm behind his back and taking it.

"Who are you?" Sinbad looked back at Kida, who kissed him. Kida dropped his sword and let him go.

"When did you get...Oh no, I was mesmerised by those handless Sirens wasn't I?" Covered his face ashamed. "I didn't do anything embarrassing did I?" He asked.

"No, just tried killing Tabetha" Kida smiled.

"Oh no, I'm sorry sweetheart" Sinbad pouted.

"Like you could land a strike on me, while your mesmerised by this stuff" I stabbed a piece of purple crystal and it shattered.

"Did you find Sasha?" Kida asked.

"No" I replied looking back at her.

"So what are we doing here?" We regrouped with Diana, Melody and Sinbad and set off to find Sasha.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora