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*Tabetha's PoV*

We found Carmen sitting on Poseidon's lap, "BlackCurrant, come in here please" he said, and I heard a neigh behind us, which translated to, "of course Lord Poseidon".
"BlackCurrant, this is my youngest daughter, Carmen Amarillo, she is now your boss, but think of it more as a friendship" Poseidon commanded.
"Of course Lord Poseidon" said the dark horse.
"Carmen, BlackCurrent isn't your average horse, his Mom is a hippocampus and his Dad is a Pegasus, so BlackCurrent can both swim and fly" Poseidon said, and then BlackCurrent flexed his wings out wide.

"Merry Christmas Carmen" Poseidon said brushing the hair out of her face. Carmen neighed a thank you.

"Hey Poseidon, Carmen, I am just returning Kaci" I said.
"Tabetha, how is my favourite sister?" He asked.
"I'm your favourite? But there is still Diana, Estreia, Hera, Demeter and Hestia, what about them?" I sighed.
"Hestia, I fell in love with long ago, I proposed to her and she turned me down, but she turned everyone down actually, so she is close behind, Estreia still has growing to do, Diana is a close second with Hestia, now Demeter and I barely talk to anymore, I should fix that".

"Okay that doesn't explain why I am your favourite" I said.
"You look so much like your grandmother, you have the same gentle loving spirit that I fell in love with, nothing can replace that"

"This guy knows what he's talking about" Sasha agreed.
"Like grandmother, like granddaughter" Poseidon said.
"I don't like being predictable" I pouted.

"Kaci eases the pain but it still hurts, I was ready to give Tabetha the entire Ocean , Did I ever tell you she loved to surf as the sun was setting, you heard how I lost her, but not even your Dad knows how I met her" he sat Sasha and I down on either arm of his throne, Only Hestia, Athena and Apollo were also in here.

"She was trying to surf for the first time when I met her, she was with her three best friends when she came out to sea alone with her brother Harold. Harold was a rather good swimmer to be honest and a great surfer, he was in semi pros, whatever that means" Poseidon sighed and continued.

"She lost balance in the pipe, There was a current pulling her under, I watched her come deeper when I saw her begin to struggle for a breath, she got deeper and deeper, until she was at my side, and I kissed her but only to give her air, however Ironic thing is she took my breath away".

"You Zinged!!!" Sasha interrupted.
"Zinged?" Asked Poseidon.
"Too many movies with Tabetha, Hotel Transylvania" Sasha said.
"I still remember when we zinged" I looked at Sasha, "you are my zing".
"And you're mine" she replied.
"I think I zinged with Kaci too, after Tabetha" Poseidon sighed.
"Grandpa, according to Mavis, you only get one zing" I said.
"Well I think Amphitrite was my zing, I don't know why I ever divorced her" he sighed looking sideways.
"I understand if Tabetha Sr is your zing, but Amphitrite?" Kaci interrupted.
"Her green hair decorated with shells, oh and her eyes are, heavenly" Poseidon said.

Apollo came over and tugged my arm, "be right back" I told Poseidon Kaci and Sasha, I kissed Sasha quickly on
her cheeks and tailed him. Behind his throne his quarters, extremely Bright in here actually and really warm. It felt like home in here. Not Koha, just like I belong here.

"So Tabetha, when Poseidon comes to his senses and realises he still loves your grandmother..." Apollo at me caring lay, "what are you gonna do?"

"I am going to try make it happen, I saw it already but I just have no sense of time with my visions, like I am not sure when they'll happen, my point is, I have seen a future where Sasha and I have a son, I don't know when this will happen, I could tell her right now, will that I dunno, jinx it or rupture the natural order of things?" I couldn't stop talking I had lots of questions, like who I could tell the future to.

"You are having a son?" Dad asked, "I didn't get this vision of my grandson".
"Wait no dad, I wanted to tell Sasha first, before you, well let me tell Mum okay?" I sighed.
"You just told your dad he will have grandson? If it were okay to tell anybody and everybody their future, don't you think I'd tell you everything I know, like about your brother Sebastian".
"What Apollo? What about Bash?" I asked, "Apollo!".

Apollo shoved me back out, "adios blanca" he said.
"Blanca? What do ya mean blanca?" I asked.
"Hola blanca" Sasha said kissing my cheek. Kaci was standing at the window looking out the window with Carmen.
"Poseidon, what about Bash do I not know?" I asked.
"Your dad will answer when he feels the time is right, I heard you spoke with your grandmother seven years ago, I was wandering" Poseidon said.
"You want a seance, I know" I said, "I am so asking dad about Bash when I see him".
"We might need Vadius, y'know a daughter of Hades to perform this reunion" I said.
"No we don't, Skye and Kida could do it, Skye is her grand daughter and Kida is her daughter in law" Sasha held my arm, "we should gather the family in the underworld when my Mom feels better and Poseidon realises grams is still her zing".

"Amphitrite is my Zing, end of story" Poseidon took Carmen and Kaci and vanished as their bodies became water and dropped to the floor.

"Okay, that was weird" Sasha's eyes widened as she said it.
"I need to go see my dad in person, I have a bone to pick" I said taking hold of her elbow. The stone cold quartz engulfed us in darkness, when we materialised we found Adolynne mother's rocking chair with Nick, Estreia was sound asleep.

"Adolynne, have you seen my parents?" I asked, she stood up and put my little brother next to Estreia. She came out of the twins room, "Your dad is in his room, your mother didn't come home, she left for Hades place after you left and we haven't seen her since" Adolynne opened Mum and Dad's door. Adolynne sat on the bed next to dad and kissed him.

"Dad what the Hades do you think you're doing? Where is Mum?" I shouted.
"She don't love me, she never did" dad pouted.
"How can you be so sure?" I asked
"Sebastian is not only your brother, he is Skye's brother too" Dad started crying.
"What do you mean he is Skye's brother? Are you telling me that uncle Sinbad..." I ran to Bash's room and as I pushed the door open, I accidently pushed him over as he was right behind the door about to open it humself.

"Did dad just say what I think he said? We are only half brother and sister?" bash asked starting to cry.
"I don't care, you're still my brother, dad is still our Dad no matter what, he loves you" I told him, and I wiped Bash's eyes dry, but that didn't last, "hey you stop those tears now, Dad loves you. Dad would give the world to keep you safe, don't you ever think otherwise" I threw my arms around him.

"Thanks Sis, I love you for this" Bash's frown became a smile.
"Anytime little brother, big Sis has your back, and yeah I love you too" I smiled, "okay enough hugging, I don't do that mushy sibling stuff".

We entered the kitchen to find Diana and Sasha sitting there. I took Sasha's hand and marched straight to Mum and Dad's room, "do to my Dad what you did for me, let him control his own love, please?" I asked.
"I don't know how, it's because I'm in love with you that made it so easy to give you back your love" Sasha frowned.
"Can you at least try, for me? He loves Mum I know he does" I took her waist and pulled her closer, they have the same connection we have, it just needs a little help to stay that way" I said.

I opened the door, "hola Papi, I love you" Sasha said sitting with Dad and hugged him, letting new love flow into him.
"Buenos Dias señoritas" Dad smiled as he hugged her back.
"Did it work?" I asked.
"I think so, I had to share my love, much like I did with you, now we must find your Mom" Sasha said.
"I told you already love, it's Mum" I argued.
"Sure whatever, we should find her, if love really is unbalanced, she has gone back to Kronos" Sasha glared at me.
"Love, Terratravel to Tartarus please" She asked.
"Yes my Queen" I answered and dragged her underground.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now