IX: Underwater and undercover

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*Tabetha's PoV*
Brandon, Bash, Sasha and I swam on in darkness, for what seemed liked forever it was just an hour or so since Sasha and Diana were separated from us, we began to get hungry, so I got some fish, however Sasha and Brandon didn't like the idea of eating live fish, but Bash and I were eating a few fish in shark form.

"Could you cook some for us" Sasha asked us.

I pulled out my bow, "Sorry fish, big things eat smaller things" and I pierced it's head with an arrow "you're up Bash".

Bash's hand glowed as the flesh itself became lava. Bubbles erupted from the heat from the lava.

I cut the fish into fillets with my bow now back in dagger form. "Wow thanks wife" Sasha smiled at me.

"What she said" Brandon continued. Taking a bites of his lava cooked fish he saw something hide behind a rock "come out" Brandon unsheathed his sword "mother, aid me in my battles" he prayed silently his sword was then set ablaze.

"You have that, and I didn't have to cook your dinner" Bash snapped.

"Uh yeah sorry, Mother says only use my sword when necessary" Brandon walked to ward where he saw the moving figure.

"Oh so a hot meal isn't necessary" Bash argued.

"No it's not that, mother says I'm irresponsible with my weaponry and should only use them to fight for survival" Brandon replied.

"So food and sustenance isn't survival?" Bash continued.

"Battles, life and death situation" Brandon bellowed now getting a little worked up.

"We battled a fish to feed you" Bash smirked and Brandon glared at Bash and frowned. "Okay I'll stop, so what's your name?" Bash asked the figure behind the rock.

He swam out, "Marco the lost son of Poseidon" Marco said. Bash laughed at him.

"Bash, one, what is so funny? And two, don't be so rude!" I said.

"Yeah sorry sister, but ummmm Marco, your last name wouldn't by any chance be...." Bash started.

I heard his thoughts, "Bash don't you dare say it" I yelled at him, "oh no he's gonna say it".

"Polo" Bash smirked and staring at Marco.

"So you've heard of me then" Marco swam closer into the light of my dagger.

"You have a blindfold" Sasha said, "why?".

"My eyes were taken from me and it disturbs some folk" Marco said "I was fighting a centaur when his pet chicken clawed my eyes out".

"So my uncle's eyes were taken from a centaur's pet chicken" Bash laughed.

"What do you mean I'm your uncle?" Marco said clicking his tongue.

"My dad is" Bash was cut off.

"My dad too" I said, raising my hand to draw attention, "continue brother"

"Rude much Tab, any way OUR dad is son of Poseidon" Bash said.

"Okay and who are the other two?" Marco asked us.

"My mother is Lady Aphrodite, we're look....." Sasha started.

"I heard Lady Amphitrite has her captive down here somewhere" Marco interrupted.

"WE KNOW!" The four of us said in unison.

"Something about revenge on some guy called Bob" Marco continued.

"WE KNOW!" We repeated. For some reason he was still clicking his tongue.

"I guess you want to go see her" Marco said, "she stays just across this dark canyon".

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilWhere stories live. Discover now