You Have to Change

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I stand at my locker filling my bag when Maddie attacks me from behind babbling about some random subjects then starts cleaning out her locker.

Maddie I have to talk to you before we go to class.

She turns from her locker flipping her blonde hair to stare at me.

Well go ahead, talk. We don't have all day you know.

I frown at her then. She's always so bossy and we're nothing alike at all but she's my best friend.

Maddie I told you I've been fighting with my mom a lot. Well, she's making me leave for the summer. I have to go stay with my cousin out in Long Beach.

She freezes.

What! Why? Is it because you went all goth?

She demands answers as her blue eyes grow wide.

She doesn't like the way I dress or how I'm a so called... "hermit"

I finger quote.

You wear to much black and why all the black Make-up?

I imitate my mom making Maddie laugh.

I'll be back before senior year begins but I wanted to tell you before I left. Plus I won't get to see you again until I get back.

What! When are you leaving?

Mom said I have to leave in the morning.

That's when Tanner the best looking guy in the school walked by and I catch a whiff of his cologne. I can't help but look as he passes. That is until Maddie snaps her fingers in front of my face.

Earth to Tabby.

I look at her innocently


She shakes her head.

Girl he's way outta both our leagues. Now, since you weren't listening. Make sure you send pictures while you're gone. I've never left this God forsaken town. I swear when I get a chance I'm outta here. And make sure you tell Will bye to.

I promise her I will then grab the last few things from my locker and head to algebra. We don't have any work to do so Mr. Marshall put a movie in. I walk to the back of the class as usual taking my seat and putting my head down. Then draw on one of my notebooks until a hand slams down on my desk.

Hey freak show. Why don't you try to be a normal girl. Maybe then you might get a boyfriend or at least a real friend. No not even then. You're too much a freak to have real friends.

The guy laughs but I ignore it I'm use to it. This happens pretty regularly with him.

Well freak, can't you talk?

He pushs trying to get a rise out off me. Jared Huber our schools wrestling champ and might I add a total jerkface. I hold my tongue until the bell rings then I hurry to leave.

That's it run away goth girl, run away. Freak.

I look back at him making him flinch but he continues his bullying. I go straight to my car passing Will on my way out. I quickly say bye then headed home. The thought of changing makes me cringe but the thought of making Jared want me so bad he can taste it is rather intriguing. I pull in at home and start toward my room to pack but my mom calls me to the kitchen.

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