Meet The Teachers Night

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I walk out of my house to see Erik driving by but he quickly stops and backs up pulling over.

What are you doing baby?

He looks at my house and I laugh.

What do you think I'm doing? I'm dropping my books off and getting outta here before my mom shows up.

He smiles.

Oh I didn't know you lived here?

I shrug looking at the house then back at him.

Yep, along with my mother.

I complain but he just nods

Well I have to get to the school I'm running behind. I'll see you later baby.

I kiss him and he takes off so I grab the mail then head to the school. I park between to a black Harley and Maddie's orange jeep. Then Will pulls in parking across the lot but he walks over to James so I walk in the school leaving Maddie behind. As I walk in people stare but I go to the office hearing whispers and seeing them point but I don't care. This year I'm taking my life back. I get my schedule and walk to the halls when Will walks in throwing his arms over my shoulder.

Hey what classes do you have?

I push him off and show him my schedule while he frowns.

Hey, we're in a few classes together.

I tell him and he chuckles.

Looks like we get to see a lot of each other before you leave. Look second, third, fifth and sixth period.

I grin and nod seeing Tanner Lewis walk out of the office. He's just as gorgeous as before.


I look at Will curious.


He shakes his head.

Don't tell me you're one of the Tanner groupies?

I laugh and shake my head.

No but he sure it pretty. I think I'm going to put my things in my locker first. Then meet the teachers.

He grins then goes to his locker which is only a few lockers away from mine. I open my locker stuffing my things in. When someone walks up.

Hey there beautiful. You new here?

I close my locker door just to face Jared Huber and his group of his loyal subjects.

No. I've gone here my entire life. Don't you remember me? I'll never have friends or get a boyfriend. I'm a freak. Remember?

Just then Amber King runs over with a old magazine. He looks at the cover with me in a red bikini as I sign it for her.

It sucks to eat your words don't it. By Jared.

His friends laugh as I walk away.

Damn dude she schooled you.

I walk past Tanner and his friends as Amber shows them the magazine. The next thing I know there's students wrapped around me talking to me. Thanks a lot Amber, big mouth.

Okay look. Most of you have known me our whole lives. Why is this such a big deal?

They look at me confused.

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