Play Time

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Okay so no I don't know what happened last night but it got Tabby back in my arms so I'm happy. However, now she keeps saying weird things. Dropping hints. Even Jared got in on it. Apparently she wants to get married like yesterday. Tomorrow's Christmas eve and I'm hoping she'll spend it with me. We pull in at the studio and she slides over to my side instead of getting out her own. I smile pulling her out and she kisses me.

Get a room. God didn't you do enough of that before you got here? Come on.

Jared complains but she laughs and grabs my hand and his lacing their fingers

Oh poppa you act jealous.

I smile but he huffs.

Yeah. It's like watching the sister I never had kiss a guy. I don't like to watch it.

I laugh lightly while he grins at me.

I have three sisters and two brothers. We were the living Brady bunch and I've fought a lot of guys for trying to put the moves on my sister's.

He grins as Tabby goes to change and we grab our clothes.

Does she know you've been modeling? Like pretty regularly?

He ask as we change.

I don't know we haven't talked to much but she's made it clear that she likes being called Mrs. Baker.

He chuckles looking at me.

Yeah, you'll get used to it.

He say walking out so I follow but I don't understand what he means. Why will I get used to it? She's not my wife yet? They're so confusing... I walk out to a red sofa and we pose then Tabby jumps on me as John snaps a shot and laughs.

Now Tabby, this is their shot, but thanks for the inspiration.

He grabs some clothes and throws them to her.

Here put these on instead and wait over there. I don't like that outfit.

He finishes our shoot then she walks out looking at the trash. John looks at her and smiles as she stepped in.

Tabitha what are you doing?

She laughes.

Being trashy.

We get up and act like we're throwing her out but John takes a picture then insist we change and sit in a bath together but she's to busy playing so John takes several shots. Afterward we change and carry her around then Tanner shows up and I see her frown. I don't ask why but she quickly hide it with a smile and hugs him. He nods at me then looks at her.

Hey what happened with your pants? Did you ever get them advertised?

She shrugs but John overhears.

Speaking of those. They're here so you can put them on. Let's get your clothing line out there.

She grins and punches him then goes to change while he changes.

Hey Jared what's with Tabby and Tanner? She acts upset with him.

He grins shrugging while looking for them.

She was going to date him when she came home. They planned it but he got a girlfriend and now they're engaged and having a baby so she feels like he cheated on her.

I nod now understanding.

You don't have to worry. She's always been about you. There's never been anyone else. I'd know she tells me everything. Hell she'll walks around naked with me in the room... Anyway, she's my angel and I dare someone to hurt her. As for Tanner... He knows I'd kill him if he touched her.

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