My Girl

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We walk back to Tabby's room and she grins at me then pulls on a bra. I look at her computer and notice it's running so I tap the mouse but her Facebook pops up. She'd already changed her status to in a relationship and she changed her picture to one of us. She's posted about everything that's happened then tagged everyone thanking them for coming telling them she posted our singing on YouTube and provided a link.

You realize giving out that link you gave them a link to all your videos?

She shrugs

So. I'm good with it and I'm singing with my man so what can they say?

She smiles and I hug her.

They can't say anything, and if they do you tell me.

She giggles then looks at my page to see that I've already changed mine while she showered. She looks at me and smiles then reads my post about tonight. It nearly copies hers without thanking everyone and only thanking my beautiful girlfriend. She types something then shut the computer down.

What did you write?

She giggles like she's being sneaky.

You'll see.

She unwraps her wrist then crawles into bed but freezes and holds up a rose so I look at her confused.

Where'd the rose come from?

I question knowing it wasn't there an hour ago.

Erik was here. It's his way of telling me he's thinking about me.

I try to think of what he might do. He'll want to see her get the rose and know he got to her so I lean down.

Baby we have an audience and he's waiting for you to get that rose.

I whisper to her so she grins so I pull her to me and she giggles. I pull my shirt off kissing her then pick up the rose as I look at her.

You have to cut him off baby otherwise he's going to keep doing this.

She walks over to the window opening it while I sit on the bed giving her space. She closes her eyes then kisses the rose before laying it on the window seal saying something but all I hear her say is goodbye. She closes and locks the window then turns to me and grins, so I hug her pulling her over.

One step at a time baby.

We lay down and she falls asleep but I'm wide awake so I sit up. Then I look over to see her diary laying there and I know I shouldn't read it but I do anyway. She writes about me and Jared and how she's torn between us. She knows Jared wants sex and she's not ready but I scare her because I'm so much like Erik. She writes that we even smell the same but there's big differences and she really like them. Like I always answers her calls and how when I hold her she feels safe and the way I kiss her makes her crave my touch. Then she writes that she wants to die.

I've lost my Erik and turned Jared down just to find out Will's got a girlfriend. He's dating mattress back Kimmie. I should've stopped him tonight but I've been so confused. Maybe I should just eat all my pills? God I want to die. How could I lose him to...

I shake my head and flip the page.

Watching Will and Kimmie sucks. I messed with him using Garrett but he didn't like it. I don't know why since he has the whore of the school on his arm. Then I caught her with another guy and confronted her. I sent a video to him or at least part of it. I cut out the party where I knocked her cheating butt out and claimed him as mine. I guess we'll see what happens....

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