Meeting Each Other

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I graduated from college a year ago, but I've stayed here working while trying to get over my ex and well... I've been looking for a job closer to my home town. Thankfully I found one. I'm starting my first teaching job at the end of summer. I'm moving in the next couple weeks. I've already got a house and most of my things are there, so all I have to do is load my bed and a few clothes. Then it's only a couple hour drive and I'll be there. My mom and sister insisted on decorating for me so I don't have to rush to move.


I hear Peter yell from the bathroom as I approach. He knows I plan to hang out for a little while longer before leaving. Plus watching all the models and hanging out with all our college friend for the summer has been pretty nice.

I know Peter, I know. The guys are waiting for us at the beach. I've got the football. What are you doing?

He opens the bathroom door and starts modeling his new shave job.

Well what do you think?

I shake my head.

Dude. Those chicks aren't going to notice you because of a go-tee.

He laughs as he rubs it looking in the mirror.

You'll see bro. I'll land me a model and you'll be eating your words.

I shove the ball into his gut as I puff.

Yeah whatever, let's go.

We head out to meet the guys.

It's about damn time..... What took you guys so long?

Alex complains so I point toward Peter.

Romeo here had to shave and beautify for the models.

He huffs taking the ball and walking away grumbling to himself as we start our game. We play a few rounds but before too long half the guys are walking off to watch the models again. I nod over to Peter then walking over to join them but I notice a couple of the models leaving.

Hey Peter, check it out.

I look at the ladies and nudge him. He looks at them then me and smiles before taking off running. He stops them to talk for just a few minutes. Then comes back to brag.

Damn dude you should've came with me. They're just taking a break. Their names are Jessica and Abby. Jessica invited me and a friend to a party tonight at her place. You in?

I look at the models posing with the big buff guys then nod.

Yeah sure, I'll go. I haven't been to a party in a while.

He shakes his head at me.

Use whatever excuse you have to bro. You know you want to party with the models to.

I laugh as we join the guys watching the girls on the beach. I stand there watching for a few minutes then the red head returns and starts talking to a blonde in a robe who's walking toward the beach. She smiles then yells back to her friend.

I'd love to Jess. A party sounds like fun after the week we've had. I sure could use a drink.

Then pulls her robe off while walking out so we can actually see her in the American flag swimsuit. I think my jaw about hit the ground. Women aren't supposed to really look like that. She's so thin and she's built just right. The swimsuit she's wearing is very tiny and very sexy. Talk about saluting America.

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