Prom Night

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Carson and Bradley are seven weeks old and they're growing steadily. I've modeled with them a few times and I've allowed John to set up a small studio in my upstairs room so we shoot up there now. He insist on using Erik who gladly helps whenever offered a chance. Will's prom is tonight and I'm going with him as a favor since he saved me from Bo. He even went with me dress shopping. I try on the gold formal that's form fitting but when I walk out in it he nearly jumps on me.

That's the dress!

He about yells so I laugh.

I can say that having twins has definitely improved my body. I get mt things ready for tonight when Will calls.

Hey Tabby, I'll be there to pick me up at seven...

We hang up and I go get my hair done. Then rush home to get ready for prom. I grab my dress and hurry to touch up my makeup. They took forever to do my hair so now I'm rushing to get ready but Gary and his friends Paul and Lee whistle when I walk out. Then Gary takes my picture and hugs me as I head for the door but Paul smiles flirting with me until Gary punches him making him chuckle.

Alright, Will's here. I can't believe him... He got a limo.

I laugh then walk out to meet him as he smiles.

Hello Sue Ellen.

I greet the limo driver as she nods

Ms. Winkle.

Will looks at us as I get in but she closes the door. Then I see Erik at his car looking over wearing his tux. When we get to the prom and I notice Tanner came alone so I ask why.

Amber refused to come. She said she's to fat.

I spend the evening dancing with everyone even the guys I've never met. Then I see Mrs. Little so I start talking to her when she waves someone over. That's when Erik walks to her side and she wraps her arm around his lacing their fingers together.

Erik and I have been dating for a couple days now. You remember him right?

Erik grins looking at the two of us.

She's my neighbor Joy.

She smiles looking pleased.

Oh. Well congratulations on your twins.

I nod trying to keep from crying.

Thank you, they're my life now. We'll I'll see you later. Goodnight.

I walk off going to the balcony but then the door closes behind me so I look to see Erik standing there.

Hello Tabitha, it's nice to see you having fun.

I shrug not wanting to reply.

Yeah well I'm here so...

He frowns.

I thought I'd say hello. You know it's a pretty brave move raising twins alone. That's a lot of responsibility.

I look at him aggravated.

Yeah well, it's not like I have a lot of choices now is it?

He shrugs.

Sure you do. Will's been begging to help you hasn't he?

I turn away and huff.

Yeah well, our sons will be raised by me.

He chuckles hesitantly

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