Work It Out?

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I woke up feeling good so I got dressed and got ready to go to the gym since I put it off yesterday to hang out with Erik but I'm definitely going today. I call Karin and she's going to but so is Ashley. I hang up and groan.


It's not that I don't like Ashley, but she's a bit bossy and likes her bottom to hang out while she exercises. Not that Karin's much better, she'd put her bottom right in someone's face. I put my grey fitness pants and jacket on with a white sports bra then call Erik but he doesn't answer.

Hey it's Tabby. Just thought I'd call. I have to work at 4 but I'm going to the gym on 2nd if you care to join me.

I hang up throwing my pink dress and matching pumps in my bag along with my shower essentials and underwear then head to my truck. I stop by the store and pick up some soda and some condoms for the next time things happen. I don't know what to get so I get a couple different kinds. I don't want a repeat of the last time. I drop my tire off at the shop then head to the gym. When I walk in there's a few buff guys working out. At first they don't pay me any attention but when I pull off my jacket and start stretching things change.

Hey there. Haven't I noticed you in here before?

I look up to see an overly muscular guy standing a few feet away from me.

I sigh and nod

I don't know. Which magazines do you look at? I'm in quite a few.

That did it. Me and my big mouth. He smiles and the other guys he's working out with come walking over. I look at the small group and started to tell them to leave me alone but that's when Karin and Ashley walk over in their tiny outfits so I roll my eyes but Ashley looks at the group.

Sorry we don't need assistance fellas. You can go back to what you were doing.

She sasses with her to good for anyone attitude. They look at her then me but I just shrug then proceed to stretch. They grumble and complain but she shoo's them away and we start exercising. We do pull ups and lift weights. Ashley demands more and more from both of us. Then Karin gets a call and has to leave but as she's leaving Erik shows up. I see him walking towards us but then one of the other guys stop him.

Dude don't do it. That chick's the boss and she's a bitch.

Ashley looks over hearing him and scoffs I have to keep myself from laughing but Erik chuckles getting serious at the same time.

No dude. That's my girl over there with her friend. And she's not a bitch. She just knows how to spot an asshole.

He says calmly and the guy starts to say something but his buddy hands him a towel so Erik walks over to us.

Hey baby.

I say wiping myself off then leaning up to quickly kiss him.

Hey, look at you all sweaty. Never thought I'd see the day.

I smack his chest.

Ha ha very funny. I exercise three to four times a week including my dance classes, thank you very much.

He chuckles

Uh huh, sure you do.

I shake my head then turning to Ashley.

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