A Bloody Mess

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I stew all the way to Maddie's. As I pull on her road I call Erik. I tell him he was right that my mom freaked.

Don't fret babe. Just give her a few days to adjust. She just doesn't want her little girl getting hurt.

I try not to cry but he tells me he's still here for me. We hang up as I pull in and get out. Will's truck isn't here so he must still be out with that James guy. I grab the duffle bag full of magazines and pull it across the seat but it hits the ground as I pull it out. It's heavier than I remember it being. Oh yeah... Erik put it in the truck for me. I close the door and bend to pick it up when I hear a truck and a horn as Will pulls in.

You shouldn't be sticking that thing out there like that. You'll get someone hurt.

I laugh then try to lift the bag but can't so I start to open it to take some out but he walks over with James following.

Need some help?

I shrug but he chuckles.

I see you haven't completely changed.

He grabs the bag and looks at me as he pulls it over his shoulder like it's nothing so I huff and follow them into the house. We walk to the kitchen where he sets my bag down and I open it.

Is that all that's in here is magazines?

He complains making me laugh but Maddie walks in and attacks me.

Ow, ow, ow. Painful day don't squeeze to tight.

She quickly let's go.

Did you take your medicine?

I nod then grin as I look over at the guys. She knows I won't talk about it in front of them.

Oh my God look at you. You look amazing!

To answer you Will no. It's not all magazines there are some catalogs in there to.

I say a little cocky.

Maddie I kept every magazine and catalog, I've been in for you. The ones on top haven't came out just yet though.

She pulls a couple magazines and they look through them.

Tabby you're not eighteen how can you model topless and why would you?

I smile and shrug.

My mom signed release papers for me and I only done it for the money. It's not like you can see anything. Plus I wear pasties just in case and I always wear bottoms. I'll be working here to as long as they pay me right.

Will pulls another magazine but it has Erik on it. Our one session together. He looks at me then back at the magazine then James points at something on his phone.

I knew I recognized you, other than modeling. You're on YouTube singing!

I groan to myself.

Dang that Clayton Huber.

I grumble but they look at me confused.

You were hanging out with Clayton Huber?

Maddie asks in a snarky tone so I scoff.

No, I was at my pole dancing class...

Will and James chuckle making us both glare at them before I continue.

Then Jess my cousin wanted to do a routine we'd learned so we did and he happened to be my guy. I didn't know it was even him until he was cleaning himself off. You should let me teach you. It's really fun and easy to learn. I was an assistant teacher before I left.

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