Talk About Trust

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I walk out to my truck from the store but as I climb in when my phone rings.

I'm bossy. I'm the...

I answer and Maddie starts talking right away wanting to know everything. She's missed the last few weeks so she wants to catch up.

I've been out with a guy named Erik. He's so amazing...

She cuts me off and starts telling me to about Will's new black truck and how he jacked it up and how I'll love it since I like things like that. After she finishes bragging on her brother. I tell her everything that's happened, even telling her that I slept with Erik but she spazzes on me.

Oh my God, you must really like him! Send me a picture you guys together.

I catch it right away .

No, no pictures.

She tells me not to get my heart broke but I groan and change the subject.

I kept a copy of all my magazines for you to look at.

She sighs then starts rambling but eventually shuts up. I pull in at the house feeling a few rain droplets. She complains when I rush the conversation and hang up but I have some of my luggage in the bed of my truck so I want to cover it. I grab my tarp and some bungees from behind my seat. I open the tarp and start to cover everything when Rob walks over.

Hey there. You getting ready to leave?

He asks walking up from behind making me jump and turn to face him.

Holy crap! You scared me. No, not yet. I just have a few things I don't want to get wet.

He looks at me, then the tarp.

You know it's about to pour out here and you don't look like you're dressed to be doing this alone.

I laugh lightly.

I know right. I wasn't expecting rain or I wouldn't have put a dress on after working out.

He smiles then starts helping tarp my things.

Rob I can get the back if you can do the front.

He chuckles as I climb up on the tailgate. I finish and turn to get down as he walks over to help me. He grabs my waist while I hold onto his shoulders and he lowers me down to stand with him. After I get my footing I start to pull away but he pulls me to him.

Tabby, I know your seeing Erik but would you mind coming over for a little while? I'd like to talk to you?

I pull away and shrug

Is Fred okay?

He smiles with a quick nod.

Oh yeah, Fred's great. He's actual at his mother's until tomorrow.

I look at his house curious as to why he wants me to come over.

Okay let me put my things in the house. I'll be right back.

I lay my things down then text Erik. Back from store, going to Robs. He wants me to come over for some reason so if you come over come to his house. xoxo

He text back.

On my way. Wait for me.

Huh... That jerkface. He said he'd try to trust me. I pout to myself before heading out to Rob's anyway. When I get outside Rob's standing at his door so I walk over. He opens it placing his hand on my low back ushering me in. We walk to his living room where he brings me a soda so I look at him curious.

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