Releasing the Anger

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"Okay, I should go."
Esme smiles, "your welcome to stay."
I look around at all of them, catching Emmets eyes for a few seconds before looking away. "The pack will be waiting for me."
"Emmet, make sure she gets back to the pack."
"I'll be alright." I put in.
Carlisle smiles, "I just want to make sure, Bella would want you to be safe."
"When she next sees me, she's not going to be too safe." Emmet chuckles and I shiver. We walk downstairs and towards my car. 
He holds out his hand, "keys?"
"No way am I letting you drive this. It's a rental." I get in the driving seat and he gets in the passengers. I pull out onto the road and the car is filled with silence.
Well before he breaks it, "why didn't Bella tell us about you?"
"Don't know, we like to keep to ourselves I suppose."
He smirks. "It would be nice to know that she has a hotter sister." I feel my cheek burn and focus on the road. "Are you blushing?"
"No, I'm hot."
"Oh I know." He winks and I feel my face heating up.
"I meant my temperature."
"And I meant both." He continues to smirk.
"How did you....erm.."
"Become a vampire?" I nod whilst looking at the road.
"It was 1935. I was attacked by a bear."
"A bear?" I see him nod.
He continues, "I thought I was going to die then Rose found me with Carlisle and he changed me."
"Are you and know together?"
He shakes his head, "she saved me but were more like twins than anything else."
"Oh." I bite my lower lip. I don't know why it made me happy that he wasn't with her but it does.
I park outside Sam's and hop out. Quickly the entire pack is outside and heading towards Emmet. I step between them. Sam growls at him, "calm down." Emmet steps forwards but I place my hand on his chest. Wow his has one hard chest, I bet he has a six pack.
Back to the point. "All of you...stop now." Emmet pulls me behind him, making Seth growl. "Emmet, they wouldn't hurt me."
Seth moves towards us, "let her go." Emmet holds me behind him, making tingles form where his hand is.
Gently, I place my hand on his, "please, calm down." He turns to look at me and I notice his eyes going soft. I step around him, letting go of his hand. "All of you."
Seth asks, "what is he doing here?"
"Carlisle wanted to make sure she got to you safely." Emmet states.
"See, it's all fine." Seth steps towards me and inspects my neck.
"I didn't bite her." Seth glares at him and pulls me over to the pack which pissed off Emmet for some reason as he grabs my arm. They glare at each other and their hands tighten.
"Ow." I screech and they both let go. "Fuck sake guys. I'm only human here."
Emily comes over, "let's get you cleaned up."
Emmet goes to step forwards but I smile slightly at him, "I'm okay. You should go home." He sends a glare to all of the others before winking at me and leaving. I roll my eyes and allow Emily to lead me inside.
Seth immediately beings apologising. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to grip that...."
"Seth. I'm fine."
Emily gives me a confused look, "you really are? No bruising or anything."
"It doesn't hurt any more."
"That's strange." I nod and yawn. "Anyway, you should get home and to bed." Sam gives me a ride home and they agree to be close to protect me. I was half asleep at this point. I change and hop in the bed.
I close my eyes and picture his. My eyes flash open. How can I think about him? I don't even know him? I roll over and close my eyes again.
It's going to be a long night.
I groan and roll over as light from my windows reaches my eyes. I only got to sleep a minute ago. Not fair.
In the end I get up and head to the bathroom before stumbling downstairs. I walk straight into the kitchen and grab myself a glass of orange juice before heading to living room.
My glass slips slightly from my hand but I catch it. "What the fuck is going on in here?" They all turn to me.
"Amy." Bella rushes towards me but I step back.
"Don't think everything's okay because their all back." She sighs.
"Amy, I had to go."
"Maybe but you don't run off without telling me or Dad."
That's when Edward, I presume, steps into the conversation, "I think your over reacting..."
I cut him off, "if you wasn't dead already, I would bloody kill you." I step towards him. "One, for leaving her and making her depressed. Two, trying to kill yourself when you didn't even know all the facts. And three, for making her rush after you."
Emmet laughs, "she's amazing right?" I ignore him and hope my face doesn't heat up like it usually does when he compliments me.
"I'm sorry." Bella steps towards me and hugs me. I hug her before letting go.
"You should all clear out before my Dad gets back."
Edward answers, "his working later and won't be back till tonight."
"Brilliant." I sit on the sofa and turn on the TV.
They all start sitting down and guess who sits next to me? Emmet. Bella coughs. "Shouldn't you go get dressed?"
"Nope. My pyjama day." I down my drink and put it on the table before sitting back.
Carlisle goes to work and Esme returns home. Alice sits on Jaspers lap with Rosalie sitting next to them. Bella and Edward sit together on a love seat and I am stuck on a two seated sofa with Emmet whose smirking at me.
I turn my attention back to the TV where NCIS is on. All of a sudden most of them are up and heading to leave. "Be back by four Bella." She huffs and walks out.
Yay, leaving me alone with macho. He smirks at me and moves his arm around me. "What are you doing?"
"Getting comfortable."
"I meant why are you still here?" He winks at me.
"Why do you think?" He turns off the TV.
"Hey. I was watching that." He turns me slightly and moves closer. What is happening? "I'm going to have a shower." I jump up and rush upstairs to the bathroom. I hear him chuckle.
Oh god.

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