Your Not as Fine as You Say

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Amy's POV

I open my eyes and look down. My head lays on a chest, a naked one at that. I slowly look up to see a face smiling at me. "Morning." Why does he have to be this hot?


"How's your stomach?"

"What?" His eyes are so pretty.

He chuckles and sits up, pulling me with him. He rests his head against the head rest. "I was asking how your feeling?"

"Fine. I'm fine." I move up, moving us closer. He licks his lips and I look down at them before looking back into his eyes.

Before I can blink his on the other side of the room. I snap back and try to hide how much that hurt. I stand up and rub my eyes. "I should get home." I head towards the door and he grabs my arm.


"Don't." I walk out and down the sets of stairs.

Bella appears, "how are you feeling?"

"Tired. Can we go?" I hear footsteps behind me and she looks behind at Emmet. I can tell its him.

"Yeah sure. Edwards driving us." I nod and head out of the door towards Edwards car. The other two follow me.

After sitting in the back seat and putting on my seatbelt, I look up to see Emmet looking back at me from the balcony of his room. I see him disappear. "Lets go."

Edwards drives off and I look back to see him standing in the road, looking at me. Bella asks, "what happened last night?"


"Bella." She turns to Edward. He says it like a warning but sends me a small smile before turning back to the road.

We arrive home and I thank him before walking in. Dad asks, "how was your sleep over with Leah?"

"Dad, I'm not 11 anymore. Its not a sleepover."

"But you slept there over night." I roll my eyes and he laughs. Stupid Dad jokes.

"Do we have any food?"

He follows me into the kitchen, "Toast?" I give him a disgusted look. "Sorry kiddo."

"Its fine. I'll go shopping if you want."

"Thank you." I shake my head at him. He hates shopping for food and as a matter of fact I hate him shopping as well because he just comes back with beer and a take away most times. He hands me a pile of money.

I walk back into the living room to find Dad and Bella arguing. "Bella..."

"I'm going to see Jake."

Dad nods, "okay. Good to see your spending time with your other friends again." I send Bella a 'really' look. She avoids my eyes. "Oh Bells, drop Amy off at the garage her cars sorted for her."


Dad nods to us, "right, I should get to work." He kisses my head and tries to kiss Bella's but she gives him a look. He sighs and leaves. I grab my bag and head out.

"I cant believe you."


I raise my top slightly, "you can see what he did."

"I know but...."

I cut her off, "your still going to see him."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Of course because I'm Bella's stupid twin sister aren't I?"

"That's not what I said."

I shake my head, "you know what do what the fuck you like." I walk down the drive.

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