Avoidance (part 2)

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Amy's POV
He sits there with his family and my own sister laughing like nothing happened. Has he just forgotten or does he realise he doesn't care. Maybe he didn't care to begin with.
I grip my lunch tray that contains my lunch as I try to decide whether to sit with them and deal with it or sit somewhere else.
"Amy." Bella calls and they all turn to me. I notice that Emmet doesn't. I shake my head and sit on a table by myself that's full of dirty trays. I can feel them looking at me but don't turn around.
Emmets POV
I watch her sit on a empty table but she doesn't eat, just sits there. I can't look at her or give hope until I know I can't control myself. Edward looks at me before saying, "she's leaving."
"What do you mean?"
"She's going to class I think now." I look and sure enough she's gone with her food left behind.
Bella gives off a worried look. Alice smiles, "she will be alright."
"I hope so." She looks at me.
"I'm working on it okay." I stand up and walk away.
By the time lunch ends, I'm waiting on our next class which I know she attends. Maths. The teacher arrives but no Amy.
He calls our the register, "Amy....oh wait nevermind."
Bella interrupts, "what do you mean sir?"
"Oh she went home early, the nurse sent her." Bella looks at me worryingly and annoyed.
Amy's POV
I've been laying in bed watching films since I got in. I text Dad to say I had upset stomach and school sent me home. It was a lie but they believed me and sent me home for two days believing I had diarrhoea.
I changed into pjs as soon as I arrived. I had grabbed a kebab on the way home so I ate that before watching sad films.
Halfway through the second or third one, can't remember, something hits my window. I move over to it to see Seth. He climbs up and I let him in. "Are you okay?" I nod before shaking my head. He wraps his arms around me and cuddles me. "What happened?"
We sit on my bed and I tell him everything that's happened. He holds me when I burst into tears. I'm not good at holding in my tears. I can feel how angry he is because his red hot. "Please calm down."
"His hurt you."
" I know but for me please." He does and hugs me. I hug him as tight as I can. He squeezes me before pulling away.
"Sam needs me. I will see you tomorrow." I nod and he kisses my cheek before leaving out the window.
I climb back into bed and throw my bottoms off. They are irritating me and lay down. My heart aches at the fact that Emmet doesn't care anymore.
The door opens and Bella comes in, "hey. How you feeling?"
"You know I faked it." She sits on the bed and nods.
"Are you okay?"
"Am I okay? Are you serious?" She sighs.
"You just have to wait." I give her a confused look.
She stands up, "just trust me. Give Emmet some time."
"He doesn't care about me." I feel my heart ache at me even saying those words.
"Just give him..."
I cut her off, "no. He doesn't care and it was just some accident"
"What was?"
"Oh he didn't tell you that we nearly kissed and he runs off." She looks surprised but she's a good actress.
"Just leave." I half yell at her and she walks out. I roll over and let the tears fall.
I walk into the school with an aim to ignore him. I'm tired of crying and feeling heartbroken all the time. He doesn't care so you should I.
I put on my skinny jeans and white shirt with a black bra. My breasts aren't huge but they aren't small either. They are bigger than Bella's so why not show myself off a bit more. I'm wearing natural make up that still makes me more noticeable.
I sway my hips a bit more as I walk in. I got the bus today, which I didn't know was possible but I need to find a job and badly so I can get a car. Dad said he would get me one for Christmas but I need one now, not then.
I get a wolf whistle as I get to my locker and throw the books that I don't need yet in before headmaster off to my next class. It's Maths. Justin Samson calls, "come sit with us." I do and he introduces the others. I forget their names and focus on him. His got a fit body but seems a bit of an ass.
At lunch I sit with them and laugh as they explain a few pranks they had pulled.
At the end of the day, Justin offers me a ride home. "Sure thanks." We head out to his car and walk straight past he Cullens. Justin opens the door to his Ranger Rover and I get in.
We talk about music, "I love all kinds except for really hard rock. I like some classics but mainly a mix."
"I love hard rock." He drops me off and I thank him before heading inside. I watch him drive off. I don't actually like him in any way but friendship.
Bella comes through the door, "why was you with him?"
"Why do you care?"
"Because I'm your twin sister and care about you. I know you like Emmet..."
I cut her off, "what the fuck Bella?" Dad comes in.
"Wow, what's going on here?" He asks.
I ignore him, "why do you want me to be with someone who hasn't spoken to be in over two weeks. I told you before he doesn't care."
"Who doesn't care?" Dad asks. "What's going on?"
"Amy, it's just complicated."
"I'm not stupid Bella." I yell at her.
She glares at me, "fine do what you like. I'm going to Edwards."
"Fine go see your asshole of a boyfriend and his fucking family." She slams the door as she leaves.
Dad asks, well yells, "what is going on?"
"It doesn't matter. I'm going to Jakes." I walk out and slam the door as I head through the door.

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