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I feel Emmets hand squeeze mine for the hundredth time since the ceremony started. Yep I'm graduating.

No more school. Yay.

We all jump up at the end and dramatically throw our hats. Emmet spins me and places a very passionate kiss on my lips.

"When did this happen?" I pull away to see Dad staring at me confused.

Oh shit balls. Emmet places me down and holds out a hand. "I'm Emmet sir." Sir????

Dad looks at me and I give him a pleading look. He sighs, knowing he can't refuse me. He shakes his head. "Charlie." Dad lets go. "Just remember that I have a gun."

"Dad." I groan and Emmet laughs. Thank god his indestructible.


There are people everywhere. It looks so strange having the house that is usually bare to be filled with students, drinking and dancing. The noise level is unreal.

I'm currently dancing with some of the girls. That's when I see Jake. I run towards him and he catches me.

"Congratulations." He hands me a box. I take it, thanking him, and open it. I gasp as I see a necklace with a little wolf on it. I hug him again.

"I love it. Thank you."

Quil and Embry hug me. Quil says, "we left your present at Sams. You can get it tomorrow."

"Oooo what is it?" He taps my nose. KI send him a playful glare before smiling again.

"What are you doing here?" Bells voice asks. I move round till I can see her.

"I was invited." Jake answers. Seriously you couldn't cut the tension with a knife.

"I think me punching you in the face was me uninvited you."

I give her a confused look. "What?" I look between them.

Jake looks at me sheepishly. "I kissed Bella and she punched me in the face."

"Oh." Bella looks at me. "Bad Jacob." The other two laugh. Bella sends me a small glare.

"Come on Bella." I wrap an arm around her shoulder. "We've graduated." She breaks into a smile.

Then it slowly fades. I follow her gaze to see Alice staring at the wall in shock. We both rush over. "What is it Alice?" Bella asks.

"They are coming."

We all quickly gather in Carlisle's office. "They will be in three days." Alice explains.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

Emmets hands grip me a bit tighter, "maybe you and Bella should visit your mum again."

"No way." I nearly yell and Bella agrees. "We're not going anywhere." Emmet goes to argue but Jake speaks first.

"The pack will fight."

Bella says, "no way. You'll get yourself killed."

Jake looks at me and I nod. "Bella, it's what we do. We kill vampires."

Bella looks at me. "The pack can do it." She stares at me in disbelief.

"We all need to be trained." Carlisle states. "Jacob, do you think the pack will open to meeting to train together?"

"I think something can be sorted." Jake smiles at me. Bella and Emmet still look pissed. Edward doesn't look too happy either.

We all split up and Emmet pulls me up to his room. "You can't be here when the battle happens."

"I'm not going anywhere Emmet. They are coming for my sister. If there is anything I can do then I will."

"What are you going to do against 30 newborns? Shoot at them with your dads gun?" Wow, asshole much.

"I'm not leaving and you have no say in the matter." I turn to leave but he grabs my arm.

The door bursts open and a very angry Jake shoves Emmet off me. "You okay?" I nod.

"Let's just go back to the party."


I ignore him. "Come on Jake. You owe me a dance." Jake follows me out and downstairs.


The next day I ride on Jakes back to meet the Cullen's for training. I'm still pissed at Emmet. Just because I'm not a vampire or werewolf does not mean I am useless.

Jake and the pack were grinning when I asked them to take me home. Emmet was not but I just ignored him. Just because we're mates does not mean he can tell me what to do.

We arrive and Emmet gives me a begging look. Jake bends down and I slide off his back. He sends me a wolf grin before turning his attention to Jasper.

I sit on top of the car as they practice fighting. The pack just watches and listens. Edward is the communicator. How I wish I could do that? I can usually guess what they are talking about but how cool would it be to actually here them though?

The session ends and the pack begin to leave. Seth comes over to me and looks at me. I know what his asking. "I'll see you later." He nods and I ruffle his fur before he joins his pack.

Emmet comes over to me but I jump off the car and head over to Edward and the others, "what are we going to do about my dad? He needs protecting too."

Carlisle smiles at me and places an arm on my shoulder, "his going on a hunting trip out of town with Jacobs father. He will safe out there."

"Safe all alone?" I question.

Esme nods, "his safer out of town."

"I suppose."

Edward turns to me, "I'm taking Bella to get some of her things, you should do the same."

"Alright I'll come with you." I head towards the car.

Emmet smiles at me, "I'll drive you."

"Edwards already taking Bella so I'll just go with them." Then I walk away. If he thought it was going to be easy then his dead wrong.

Hello, I'm glad your reading and enjoying my story. Please comment and vote. Amy xxxx

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