Restarting My Body

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Emmets POV

I lay on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I hate that she was here not long ago and now she's laying in a hospital bed. I feel responsible. If I hadn't let her leave then she wouldn't be in this situation.

If I had just told her the truth then maybe she would be in this bed right now with me. My arms wrapped protectively around her.....making her safe.

"Stop blaming yourself." I sit up to see Rose walking in.

"I wasn't..."

"Don't lie to me. I know you too well for it."

I sigh, "I cant help it."

"I know but you were ready to tell her and she clearly wasn't ready to hear it yet." I nod again. "I don't know what it feels like to have a mate so I don't know what your going through." I look at her, wondering where she is going with this. "So your just going to have to tell me."

I chuckle. Of course she would be that blunt. "I don't know how to explain it. I think about her all the time. What she might be doing? If she's safe? It builds up until I cant take it anymore and leave to go to her house."

"But she doesn't see you?"

"I climb the tree near her window or one further away and look in. Mainly its when she is sleeping." I can picture how peaceful she is when she sleeps. How she perfectly moulds into my body when she curls up as she sleeps. How her head lays directly over my heart and it feels like its beating again."

"It makes your feel like your hearts beating?" I just said that all aloud.

"Its strange. Like she's restarting my body. Like it wasn't working before."

"Of course its not, your a vampire." I throw a pillow at her and she laughs.

"Its hard to describe." She nods. "You wait until you find yours and try telling me."

"It would be hard to miss my body restarting." She sends me a cheeky smile and I shake my head. Then she speeds off and I rise following her. I catch her in the living room and grab her lifting her.

"What is going on in here?"

Rose gets free and sprints over to Alice and Jasper. "Apparently Emmets body wasn't working before Amy restarted it." Jasper looks at me with surprise.

"Very emotional of you." Oh god.

Alice pokes him, "hey, his being romantic."

Jasper and Rose start laughing. At least I have Alice on my team. I go for Jasper to get him to stop laughing. I quickly notice Alice and Rose getting into it as well.

We end up outside I seconds and I run at Jasper who side steps and I skid in the dirt before grabbing the back of his shirt and flipping him in front of me.

The fighting continues.

"What is going on out here?" We all stop to see Esme looking at us. I look at us, were all covered in dirt and specks of mud.

Edward appears, "appears I missed a fight."

I speed forwards pulling him into a pile of mud, "not really." He jumps up, sending me a clear message.

From there, were all stand alone players in an epic fight. I speed past Rose whose got Jasper in a head lock and smash into Edward. He stops himself and charges at me. I run towards the side of the house and flip myself over to meet him.

Once I pull him off me and into Rose's direction, I head towards Alice. As I shove into her, she crashes into a tree that falls. We all stop and watch as she crashes into the roof of the house. Luckily its away from my room and on the other side.

Esme, "you lot better get fixing that." Then she walks inside. She did just stand there and watch us all fight. I didn't fail to see her laughing.

Edward jumps up onto the house and pulls the tree off before we get to work on fixing it.


It lay on my bed, like I usually do when it gets to about midnight. I need to see her, to smell her scent so I jump off the balcony and run towards the hospital.

I plan my timing and appear in her room. Luckily they have no overnight stayers, like Bella or worse Charlie. I sit down on the bed and take her hand like I did before.

"When you wake up, I'm going to make you mine and I'm never going to let go of you again." I kiss her head. "I promise."

I sit with her all night, hiding when nurses come to check on her. I pray for her to wake up soon so I can see her amazing brown eyes that can probably make me do anything. Anything for her.

It doesn't surprise me how quick sunrise comes around. As a vampire I can never sleep so nights past like a blink of the eye but they move faster when I'm watching her. Even though she barely moves, her breathing pattern enchants me.

I rather enjoy watching her...just breath. Although I try not to stare as much when she is awake as I would be staring at her chest. I smile thinking of how her cheeks would redden with heat if she caught me.

Although I enjoy her resting, I would prefer her to wake up so I can stop thinking of the millions of ways to tell her that she is my mate and how much I will cherish her.

The way I see it she can accept what is what and allow me to prove my love to her. Which I will do happily and with everything she expects and more. She will want for nothing if can accept me.

Or she will decline my love. This is something I don't want to plan for but I must. If she does refuse me then I will leave. I will try my best to get her to understand and accept but if it is impossible, which I doubt because we were designed for each other, then I wont push her.

However, if she does not want me then I will not give up hope. I will leave to try and control my feeling but I will swear to return.

Please love wake up so I can tell you already.

I snap back as I hear and see her move. Her eyes flutter and I rise to greet her beautiful eyes. I wait with a smile.

Then I hear someone approaching. Of course someone has to come now. I speed out of the hospital with a plan. First I need some advice.

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