Life as a Pregnant Hybrid

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So like everyday so far I wake up to dive my head into a toilet. If you eat like a wolf then you throw up a hell of a lot more. Human pregnant women have it so easy.

I lean against the side of the bath. Emmet comes in, "hey, sorry I went for a run. Are you okay?" He bends down in front of me.

I go to speak but only end up with last nights bacon sandwich making a reappearance. Emmet rubs my back which isn't helping. I push him away.

A figure appears, "I've got her Emmet why don't you get some water."

She does something by the sink before putting a cold flannel on the back of my neck. I lean into her hand with a content sigh. Why didn't I do this before?

I look at her. The red eyes are a bit freaky but she looks the same. "I know your angry with me but I can help."

"Help me up." She hooks her arms underneath my arms and pulls me up. I sit on the edge of the bath and take the flannel off her returning it to my neck.

"I don't know what craving you have but maybe some blood would help."

"I missed my dose."

"Come on." She holds her hand out and I use it to get up. We move downstairs and Emmet hands me a bottle of blood. I take a few sips and instantly feel better.

"You look better." Carlisle comes over to me. "I can do your check up now if you want or..."

"Do it now." He chuckles, "come to the office."

Emmet and I walk in and sit down. Carlisle begins by taking a blood test then proceeds to go through all of the different tests. "Would you like to try an ultrasound?"

"Yeah." He grabs the equipment and sets me up. The gel is cold and with the heat coming off my body I'm surprised it did steam off me. He puts the scanner onto my stomach and looks at the screen but sighs.

"I'm sorry. We can't see through..."

"It's fine. It was a long shot anyways." I smile at Emmet.

"Be more exciting now."

I pause for a moment, "what about buying stuff for the baby? What colours are we suppose to get? Doesn't knowing the gender help that?"

Emmet looks at me then Carlisle then me again, "white?"

I give him a look, "white? Really? Do you know how much mess they make? Ever heard of the phrase white doesn't stay white."

"What about blue?" I pause and consider for a moment before nodding.

"Blue could work. Light blue though if it's a girl and a mix of both for a boy."

"See problem solved." Emmet claps his hands together with an adorable but irritating grin on his lips.

I look at Carlisle, "is he serious?"

"I don't think he knows much about children."

"Wait what am I missing?" Emmet looks so confused.

"Yeah it's time for a baby education." I grab Emmets hand and lead him into the living room. "Now most babies aren't like Renessmee. She's is or well was a perfect baby."

"Okay so what are we talking?"

"Crying all night which will be your job as you don't have to sleep."

"Okay check." He grins.

My return grin is more evil than anything else. "Then there is the napping changing, crying, bottles of milk, bottles of blood, more crying, buying things. Oh the things we need to get." I laugh but it's more like a painful laugh. "We need a cot, a pram and one that can be used in a car as well, they aren't easy to find. We will need to baby proof the whole house. Then there is a changing bed. All the things we need for that, nappies and wipes and carry out bags."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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