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I ended up in Canada with strong cold winds hitting me but I'm warm enough so it doesn't affect me. I find a cafe and sit down. "Hey sweetheart." A waitress smiles as she comes over. "What can I get you?"

I grab the menu and check my pockets. Emmet gave me a pair of my jeans which end up having a twenty dollar note inside. "A diet coke and a burger please." She nods and heads off.

I don't understand what's going on. How am I a now shifter when I've been around vampires? Don't they turn when they smell or sense vampires? Why can I run as fast as a vampire? Am I a vampire? I know I'm a shifter? What am I?

My drink being putting in front of me brings me out of my questioning. "Look like your in deep thought there, you running away or something?"


She sits opposite me. "What's got you running away? Is it a boy?"

I sigh, "It's not about him. It's me. I've changed."

"Honey its called growing up."

"Not like that." I take a sip of my drink. "Something happened and it changed me. I don't know what I am anymore."

"And that frightens you?" I nod. "Don't let it change you. Whatever happened, don't let it beat you."

"But what if someone else gets hurt. I could never forgive myself."

"It's not illegal is it?"

"No." It's not known about. The supernatural world is a secret.

"Your aware of what could happen but don't let your fear overtake you." She stands up.


"No problem kid." She smiles before walking off.

My food is placed in front of me and I realise how hungry I am. I begin devouring it and am finished in about ten minutes. I lick my lips and realise I'm still hungry. I look around when suddenly I can hear the heart beat of the women who served me.

My hearing goes crazy and I can hear everyone's heart beats. I jump up throwing the note onto the table and run out of there. I rush back into the woods and try to calm down. I end up bending over, trying to get that feeling off and the heart beats out of my head.


I turn to see Emmet standing there. He rushes towards me and pick me up into a hug. I clutch onto him and he kisses my head. "I got you." He lets me go but only puts my feet on the ground and pulls back enough to see my face. "Are you alright?"

"No. I don't know what's going on. I'm a shifter but I can see, run and hear like a vampire. I could hear their heart beats calling to me." He pulls me close again.

"Carlisle thinks your a hybrid. Part wolf, part vamp."

"What does this mean?"

"It means your a hundred percent cooler than me." I laugh and he smiles before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. My eyes widen as we part and I can only see him like his the only thing keeping me together and on this ground. "Did you just...."

"Imprinted." I pull him closer and press my lips to his once again. I push him back, slamming us into a tree. I jump back in shock at my strength. He pulls me close again.

"We should get back. Everyone's worried about you." I nod and look around.

"I don't know how to."

"It's okay, just follow me." He takes off and I follow. It feels weird to run this fast but I can still see him clearly. He smirks before running even faster, I speed up to catch up as we run through the woods and out of Canada.

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