So Close

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Damn it. I forgot my clothes. I wrap my towel around me and peek outside the door. Coast is clear. I step out and rush towards my door. I close it quickly. Phew. He must be gone.
"Wow." I jump and turn around to see him laying on my bed.
"What are you doing in here?"
"Waiting for you to get ready."
"Get out." I hold my towel tighter.
"Your so cute when you blush." I can feel my blush getting worse.
"Can you leave so I can get dressed please?" He steps towards me and I step back. This keeps going until I hit the back of the door.
He places his arm above my head. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. "Your so beautiful." He whispers.
That's when the door flies open, throwing me into the wall as Emmet gets tackled onto my bed and onto the floor. I make sure to hold my towel as I rub my head.
"Jake?" I hear a voice call and then footsteps. I look at the door on the floor before looking to see Seth standing there. "Amy? Are you okay?"
"What the hell are you doing?" Yelling at Jake.
"Me? He was attacking you." Jake growls at Emmet.
Emmet shoves him away and pulls me behind him. He does it quickly so my head starts spinning. With one hand holding my towel I use the other to stead myself using Emmet. He turns and picks me up, laying me on the bed.
Seth glares at him, "don't touch her." He growls at the end.
"Calm down. All of you." I breathlessly ask.
"Emmet, calm down." Edward stands next to him with Alice and Bella.
"Great more people on my room." I mutter. "Whilst I'm in a towel." Emmet turns to me and smirks. Bella whacks him. "Can we resume this convo downstairs and once I'm dressed." This turns everyone to me and they realise I'm only in a towel.
They all start leaving. Emmet ends up waiting behind. "I don't mind..."
"Out." He huffs and walks out. I grab my clothes and change quickly before heading downstairs.
They all stop talking as I walk in. Seth and Jake are on one side of the room with the Cullen's and Bella on the other.
"What is going on?" I ask, standing between the both of them.
Seth starts, "he shouldn't have been in your room when you were changing." He growls at Emmet.
"That doesn't mean you start fighting. I had it under control."
Jake steps in, "don't be mad at him for trying to protect you."
"I'm not but seriously, you all need to stop fighting each other." I huff and sit on the sofa. "Why are you all here anyways?"
Everyone starts moving. Bella says she will be back at four and most of the Cullen's leave. Seth glares at Emmet before smiling at me. "Were going to the beach tonight? You coming?"
"Yeah sure." He glares at Emmet again before leaving.
This leaves me alone with Emmet. He sits next to me and places his arm around the back of the sofa and me. I blush as I remember what he said to me earlier. He moves closer, "what are you thinking about?" He asks it so softly that a barely hear it.
"Did you mean what you said earlier?"
"What? That your cute when you blush." I sign. "Or that your beautiful" I smile at him and move slightly closer to him. His arm moves around me and I relax against it. He pulls me closer to him so I'm almost against his chest. His arm is fully around me now and although his cold, it feels amazing.
I pull my legs underneath my body and place my hand on his chest. His yellow-golden eyes just watch me. I run my hand slowly down before moving back up. In a flash he grabs my hand and uses it to pull me on top of him, literally straddling him.
I place my hands on his shoulders and suddenly become very nervous. I can feel my heart beating in my chest and my hands become sweaty. His hands are placed on my waist under my top. Gently his cold fingers rub against my skin, leaving my skin tingling and surprisingly warm.
I flash my eyes down to his lips that he runs his tongue over. I feel myself leaning in and he moves up. Oh my god, I want him so badly.
"Amy. I forgot my...." I jump off him as quickly as I can to see Alice. "Jacket." She grabs it from the sofa and leaves using her speed.
Oh my god. I was about to kiss him. My face burns with the memory of what just happened. Thick arms wrap around me and pull me back onto a very buff chest. I sigh and he kisses my cheek.
"There's always next time." He whispers in my ear.
I don't want to wait. I pull him round and into the wall, he stops himself from crashing into it but his a smirk on his face and leans against it. I put my finger on his lips and push him has into the wall, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulls me flush against him as he wraps his arms around me.
My breathing increases, like it always does when his around and my mouth goes dry. My hands begin to sweat again and my heart pounds. "Don't be so nervous." He smiles, no smirk, a real smile and it makes him look even hotter. God his so hot....his arms, his body, his face....hmmm. "I can feel your heart beat." He whispers in my ear and I feel my cheeks burn.
He pulls back and begins to lean in. I do the same. Oh god I want to taste his lips so badly.
"I don't believe it." I hear footsteps and groan. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug. I lay my head on his shoulder. He stops laughing and inhales.
"Emmet." I whisper. In seconds his out of the door and gone. I rush after him but his gone.
We were so close.

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