Pregnant and All!

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Emmet and I drive to the airport to meet Bella and Edward. I pull her into hug and a tight one. "Can't breath." I let go quickly and with a horrified look.

"Did I hurt it?" I look at her belly.

Emmet wraps his arms around me. "Relax. It was only a hug."

I take a breath. Bella laughs, "I'm fine."

"Good. Now lets get you out of here." We all head to the car and I sit in the back with Bella. She tells me about her honeymoon, leaving out those  sorts of details. Sounds like she has had an amazing time. I'm glad for her but not when her smile falls. She changes to a worried look. I take her hand. "Hey, don't worry."

"How can I not?"

We arrive soon after and all gather in the living room. I sit on the other end of the sofa to Bella. Edward stands by the doors. I might not have Jaspers gift but I know his nervous and worried. I don't know what his thinking of the baby but I doubt its good.

Carlisle takes Bella into his office to check her over. Edward was kicked out and we all wait anxiously. I want to comfort him but I'm not sure how I can. As much as I want this child to be a innocent baby, I can't help but consider the possibility that the child may posse a threat to itself or Bella. I don't want to think that way but I need to be smart.

They both return. Carlisle sighs, "Bella's healthy but the ultra scanner cannot penetrate the sack. I cannot see if there are any problems."

"Can't you just remove it?" Alice questions. "I can't see Bella's future which means it can't be good."

I stand up, "Alice that doesn't mean anything. You might not be able to see her future because it's undecided. You don't know what might happen with the baby or Bella because it's not set in stone. That not to say anything bad will happen to either of them. You might have to wait until the child has grown further."

"That's not how her gift works." Edward half yells at me in frustration. "Alice can't see Bella's future because whatever is growing in there is going to kill her." He glares at me. "We should stop this before it gets worse."

I step towards him, "if you or anyone else tries to harm that innocent child, lets see how Alice sees your future plays out." I threaten.

Alice argues, "and what if it risks her life?"

"It's none of your decision to make. You have fuck all input. It's down to Bella and her alone." I look at her. "Whatever you choose to do, I'm on your side."

She puts her hand on her belly. "I'm not getting rid of my child."

I smile before turning back to the opposing two. "There, she's made her decision so back off and accept it." I head towards the door but stop and turn back to Edward, "your lucky. Some people would give anything to have a child. Think about it." I head off and up to Emmet's room, even though it's technically ours.

I stand on the balcony as Emmet joins me, "are you alright?"

"Yeah." I turn as he stands in front of me. "I'm just annoyed at Alice and Edward."

"I know but..."

"Please tell me your agree with me."

He sighs, "your right it's Bella's choice and I would love a little nephew or niece but I also understand the risk."

"If it was me in that position, would you have told me to get rid of the little one?"

He wraps his arms around me with a sigh, "that would be different because your not a vulnerable human."

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