Wedding (actual)

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So I had a nice wake up call this morning with Alice screaming at the top of her voice for us, and these are her actual words, 'to get our asses out of the bed and into the showers before she comes up there and drags us into them herself.' Her threats are very real as I have learnt over the past few weeks of wedding preparation. She is one scary vamp.

We both jump up and I beat him to the shower but he pulls me back before I can close the door to the bathroom and presses a long kiss onto my lips before letting me go. I don't bother locking the door as I know he won't come into the room. I shower, wash my hair and do everything else a women does before hopping out.

Alice appears in the room after I've dried my hair and we begin doing my make up. We've gone for a natural look but a little more make up than usual. It takes a little longer than usual as she is training me to be able to do my make up for myself.

Once it's finished, I straight my hair then put on my dress. I leave the heels off for now as we're all getting Bella ready together so I head down there. I pull her into a hug. "Are you ready to become Mrs Cullen?" I tease.

She blushes but nods. I can tell she's nervous and who wouldn't be on their wedding day? "She'll do fine. Now lets get your make up done." Alice pushes her down into the chair.

"Careful. Remember she's only human Alice." She laughs.

"Of course."

"Where's my little girl?" I turn to see Mum in a nice dress and a decked out in a suit Dad. I pull Mum into a hug. "There's one. Oh darling you look lovely." She kisses my head before I step aside for her to see Bella whilst I turn to Dad. I try to ignore the smell of their blood and the beating of their hearts.

"I don't everything..."

"Your good Dad." He comes over and hugs me. "Your wearing a suit?"

"Yes well your mum co-ordinated me." I laugh. Of course she did. Mum co-ordinates everything she can.

"It's time for the dress." Alice brings it forwards.

"Come on Dad. Lets get a drink." He nods immediately and we head downstairs. After grabbing a drink, we head to meet people. Our friends, well mainly Bella's friends from school came. I hear them trying to decide whether Bella was pregnant or dying to have a wedding at eighteen. I ignore them and head over to Emmet who.....

Holy fuck. His wearing a three piece suit and bloody hell does he look hot in it. I walk towards him and he smirks the whole time I try to walk in these bloody heels. He pulls me close and presses his lips to mine before leaning down and whispering in my ear, "you look too hot in that dress."

"Maybe later you can remove it for me." His eyes gloss over with lust and to be honest I am feeling a bit hot now. I have a feeling it has nothing to do with the dress though. Jasper makes an appearance.

"Would you both calm down? I can literally feel everything your feeling." He quietly says.

"And I can hear every thought in your heads. Trust me it's not something I want to hear." Edward says as he joins us.

"How's the groom feeling?"

"I'm fine." I can see his nervous. "How's Bella doing?"

"She's fine. Just getting ready and she's feeling exactly the same as you are. Excited but nervous. You'll do fine just don't forget your vows."

He laughs, "I've got them memorised."

"Good because Alice would blow a gasket if you messed any part of this wedding up." I laugh. They all join in.

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