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I open my eyes and turn to one. He left. I sit up and look around. Then I see his shirt, laying on the floor near my bed. I gently bend down and pick it up. Instantly I am hit by his scent, his heavenly scent.

I take a shower and change into a pair of jeans and his top. I come downstairs and head into the kitchen, grabbing a class of orange juice. My butt touches the sofa when someone knocks on the door. Really? Now?

I put the glass down and open the door, backing up slightly as I do. "What are you doing here?"

"Your dad asked me to come over." Jake says as he steps inside.

"Get out of my house Jacob." He winces at the name, I always call him Jake but not anymore.

"Amy, I'm here to help. Your dad didn't want you alone."

"She isn't alone." A voice behind me says. I turn to see Emmet standing there. He walks over looking at my shirt...his shirt...and smirks. I instantly blush.

Jake asks, "what are you doing here?" I can feel the heat coming off his body and back up to Emmet. He pulls me behind him and Jake looks at me with a hurt look. My side tingles where Emmets hand is.

"Jake, just leave."

"But your going to let the bloodsucker stay."

I glare at Jake, "At least he didn't hurt me."

"But he will. We all know it." Jake sneers at Emmet.

Emmet takes a step forwards, "Get out."

Jake steps forwards, "I'm here because Charlie wants me here. I don't think he wants you here."

"And Amy doesn't want you here so get out." Emmet's grip tightens a little bit and I place my hand on his to calm him down.

"Amy please. Everyone just wants to see you." I shake my head at him. "Please, I need you to understand that we wont hurt you."

"Please just leave me alone." I pull Emmet back to me and bury myself into his body. He holds me tightly and gently kisses my head. I hear a growl and the door close before I look up.

"You okay?" I nod and kiss his cheek.

"Let's watch a film." He picks me up and lays me on the sofa. Using his super speed, he grabs food and turns on the TV before joining me. He wraps an arm around my waist and I lay my head on his chest.

I look through the sky movies channel to find the Avengers is on. I click onto it and its only ten minutes in.

Half way through the film the door bursts open and Dad stands there. Emmet disappears as Dad walks into the living room. "What's wrong?"

He falls onto the sofa, "A lot's going on."

"What do you mean?" He turns on the TV to the news. I sigh, I never watch the news. We sit there as the women talks about the mass killings in Seattle. "Oh my god."

"I know."

"Are they heading this way?" He shakes his head before struggling.

"We don't think so but be careful." I nod and go back to the TV. Bella!

"I'm going out." I head to the stairs.

"Where?" Dad stands quickly.

"Just need some air."


"I'm fine." I kiss his cheek before running upstairs, getting ready and heading out of the door. I hop into the car and drive off. I know where Bella is and speed towards the Cullen's house.

As soon as I arrive the door flies open. I jump out and rush up. Alice stands there, "what are you doing here?" I shove past her and rush up the stairs. I get upstairs to find them all standing there.

Emmet rushes over, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine but have you seen the news?" They all start sharing looks. Wait, they knew and aren't doing anything.

"It's probably just a serial killer." Bella comments.

"Just a serial killer. Just a serial killer, are you kidding me?" She looks at Edward.

Edward turns to me, "we cant get involved. It's human." They all want look at me. I look at Emmet whose looking at the floor.

"What's going on?" I look at all of them. "What aren't you telling me?" I look at Emmet. "Emmet?" He looks at me and tenses as if his struggling.

Rosalie glares at me, "stop it."

"Stop what?" I glare at her. The little bitch. "I'm not doing anything." Rose appears in front of me. "Get away from me."

"What are you going to do?"

"Get away from me."

She laughs, "you can't do anything. You just a human." I clench my fists. "Are you going to punch me again? Break your little hand." Her face is right in front of mine. I see her lick her lips but don't back down. That's when she is thrown around the room.

Standing in front of me is Emmet. His eyes are pitch black and his body is shaking. "Edward, Alice, get them out of here." Carlisle says.

I run towards Alice and she grabs me. We disappear and reappear on the porch at home. "Where's Bella?"

"Edward probably took her somewhere else. Your safe here."

"Go check Emmets okay?" She shakes her head.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Alice please. I need to know his okay." She sighs and nods.

"Fine but don't leave the house." I nod and she disappears. I look at the driveway. Dads gone and there are no cars. Looks like I'm walking.


After a very long trek through the woods, I arrive at the house. Out of breath and sweating buckets. Not to mention soaking wet from the pour down of rain that started halfway through my walk.

I step into the clearing and am instantly surrounded by the pack. I take a breath. "What are you doing here?" Sam asks.

"I want answers."

"About what?" Embry asks.

"The attacks in Seattle." I look at Sam. "It's not a serial killer is it?"

Jacob appears, "no it's not."

"Jacob." Sam warns.

"I want to know what is going on?"

Jacob looks confused, "hasn't your boyfriend told you?"

"Told me what?" I look at Sam and then back to him. "Please tell what is going on?"

Jacob looks at Sam and so do I. He nods, "your right, it's not a serial killer. It's vampires."

"Why Seattle?"

Jacob takes over, "it's the Ginger one, Victoria."

"The one that's after Bella. She's creating all those deaths." Oh my god. Bella?

Jacob places his hands on my shoulders, "no one is going to hurt Bella or you." I nod and he wraps his arms around me. I hold him as tight as I can.

Please vote and comment what you think of this story. I'll update when I can. Amy xxxx

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