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Third Persons POV

The pack gently lay Amy down on the sofa bed that was already set up at the black house. Jacob is laid in his bed.

Seth looks worryingly at Amy. Despite the age differences and the fact that she is the mate of a blood sucker he still sees her as his best friend. He doesn't even know what's happening to her.

Sam looks at the girl that will always been seen as a pack member and as much as he wants to hate her for being with a Cullen, he can't help but see her as the little girl who followed Jacob one day to his house. She worried that he was going to hurt Jacob so she stood in front of her best friend and crossed her arms over her chest before giving him a glare. It was the first time he had seen someone so small stand up to him.

The rest of the pack are worried about their pack member but also about their friend. They know Jake will survive this but they are more worried about Amy. She was bitten by a vampire but hasn't shown any signs of turning into that. The packs would know as they would feel her scent change but it hasn't its only gotten stronger.

Knock Knock.

Sam opens the door and sees the Cullens all standing there with Bella. Carlisle says, "I need to reset his bones. You won't want to be inside when I do."

"What about Amy?" Seth asks.

"If I don't fix his bones they will reset in the wrong ways." Carlisle states. "Amy's situation is different."

"Please do what you can for my son."

"I will." Everyone exits the house and Carlisle walks in. A few minutes later and Jakes screams echo through the house and towards the groups ears. They all clench at the pain and Emmet huffs.

"I need to see her."

"You can wait a few minutes." Paul states.

"She's my mate and my father is spending his time fixing your little wolf whilst he should be focused on her." Emmet steps closer to him.

"You want to fight." Paul shoves him. Emmet shoves back.

The pack and rest of the Cullen's break them up. "Enough." Esme yells. "This isn't helping Amy or anyone else."

Emmet nods but looks at Paul, "She's my mate. If your mate was in there and you don't know what's wrong with her or what you can do to help her, wouldn't you react like this?"

Paul remains silent and so does everyone else. The silence is broken by Jacob screams and then it ends. Carlisle appears, "I've given him some morphine but his body will burn it off. I've done all I can for him."

"Thank you." Billy holds out his hand and Carlisle shakes it.

"I need to take Amy home. I can examine her better there."

"Let us know when she wakes." Sam instructs and Carlisle nods.

Emmet walks into the house and picks up his mate before exiting. He runs as fast as he can to his home and Carlisle's office. He lays her on the bed and steps back. The rest arrive and Carlisle begins checking her over.

The family wait upstairs in the living room, anxiously waiting to find out...well anything they can about her condition. Emmet stares out of the window at the trees and badly wants to kill something or scream or even cry but he can't do anything.

Carlisle appears and Emmet turns to face him. "She's asleep but I don't know she will wake."

"What's happening to her?" Bella asks.

He sighs, "I don't know. The bite should have changed her. She should be in transition right now but.." He trails off.

"But what?" Emmet asks.

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