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It's been a few days and I've been staying at home. Dad's been busy with work and as much as I try to hide it I can't. It hurts so much to be away from him but I can't be near him right now either. I so badly want to kiss and be held by him but I also know that as soon as we met I will be arguing with him.

Not only am I angry with him but also at Bella. I mean I know she doesn't have the best record with Dad but to make him believe she is dead just pushes it too far. There is also how it will affect Mum. Bella hasn't thought this through enough. She doesn't care about the consequences of her actions, only about herself and Edward.

My threat was very real. If she thinks I wont do it then she doesn't know me very well. Hell I will do whatever it takes to keep my Dad happy. After all the shit Bella has put him through in the past few years she should think he deserves to be happy. His started seeing more of Sue Clearwater and seems happy about it, no one is ruining that.

Right now I am doing what I've been doing for the past few days, laying on the sofa watching shit TV and moping. The door opens, "Amy?"

"Where you left me." He comes in, turning the TV off.

He sighs and sits on the table in front of me, "come on."


"You've got to tell me what's going on. You've been moping on the sofa for two days."

"Emmet and I got in a fight." I sit up facing him.

"What about?" How do I put this? How do I tell him? "Now your scaring me, what's going on?"

"Don't freak out. Promise me you won't freak out."

"Oh god."

"Dad I..."

The door opens. "Charlie?" We both stand up. Into the living room comes Paul. "Oh sorry you said to come by."


"What's going on Dad?" I look at Paul confused and then Dad.

"Paul's doing a few weeks interning at the station. Came to get his timetable." Dad moves into the kitchen.

"Heard you were home." He moves closer. "What happened to you mate?"

"None of your business Paul." I growl lowly at him.

"So your all alone and pregnant."


"Your pregnant." I turn to look at Dad. He stands there looking at me shocked.

I turn to Paul whose got a hidden grin on his face. "Get out." I turn to Paul. "Get the fuck out."

"Hey I didn't..." I grab him, drag him to the door and throw him out.

"Don't ever come near me again." He smirks before getting in his car. I turn back to Dad whose just staring at me. "Dad?"

Before he can do anything his phone goes off, "yeah....alright I'm on my way." He puts it down looking at me. "I've got to go. B and E." He walks out.

I lean against the door, sliding down till I hit the floor with my knees to my chest. Tears form in the corners of my eyes then fall down my cheeks. I've lost them. I've lost Emmet, Bella, my friends, the wolves, now my Dad. I literally am alone and pregnant.

I need to get out of here. I get up, brag my bag and walk out. I lock up and go to my car. Climbing in I drive off. I don't know where I'm going but I just drive. I drive through Forks and keep going.


Third Persons POV

Charlie pulls up onto his drive, locks his car and heads into the house. His mind has been racing since he found out about his little girl being pregnant. But then he remembers that he got Renee pregnant younger than he should have but they got through it. He will be there for his daughter and grandchild.

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