Wedding (Prep)

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Amy's POV

So Alice decided she is designing the whole wedding and to be honest we all agreed, if not out of fear then because she will make it perfect. Oh and were having the ceremony and party at the Cullen's house. It makes it easier to design, as Alice put it.

Right now though, I'm heading to see the pack. I haven't seen them as I haven't had control. Apparently Jake's taken off after he received the wedding invitation. I know his hurt about it but Bella isn't his imprint so it would never work, not to mention Bella loves Edward too much to let him go.

I arrive at Sam's house and instantly the pack that never own shirts rush out to meet me. Seth crushes me in a hug and I tightly hug him back. His the brother I never had. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." He lets me go and I get hugs off a few of the others. Leah gives me a nod.

Sam comes over and gives me a hug. "How's it going?"

"My control is coming along fine and I don't go near humans without someone with me who can over power me. Jaspers the best one because he can calm me."

"Okay. Come on." We walk in and Emily gives me a smile but I can see the worry in her eyes. "She has control."

"Or you have permission to knock me out." Some of the guys laugh. I look at Emily, "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't safe."

She nods before giving me a hug, "I've missed you."

"Same. It's just crazy at the moment with my training and Bella's wedding. The only time it's calm is when I'm asleep."

She grabs something out of the oven and ends up putting a ton of cookies and muffins on the table. My mouth waters at the sight and I'm suddenly really hungry but I don't want to eat all of their food. "Don't hesitate."

"Are you sure?"

"You've seen us eat." Embry comments. I sit down and grab a cookie.

I moan, "heaven." I take another one. "You and Esme should do a bake off, I'll be a judge."

She laughs, "glad to know."

"You welcome."

We end up generally talking before I ask the daunting questions, "has anyone heard from Jake?"

They all shake their heads, "He needs to get over it. She's not his imprint and she's marrying the bloodsucker." I growl at Jared. "What? That's what they are."

I stand up and growl at him as my anger peaks. "Jared, enough." Jared shuts up. "Amy, calm down." I take a deep breath and eat another cookie before sitting down.

"Don't call them that."

"Why not? That's what they are." Jared starts again.

"They, includes me."

"Your only part bloodsucker."

"I would call you a mutt but that would be insulting myself." My anger is building again.

"Jared." Sam half yells. "I said that's enough. Drop it." He commanded it so Jared has to comply. Sam then looks at me, "We all have opinions of the Cullen's and that won't change but we won't disrespect you."

"Same for all of you." I look at Jared. "Sorry. Emmet's my mate which makes me even more pissed when his insulted."

Jared nods. Emily smiles, "We all know the tempers of wolves." I laugh.

"It's worse when your part vamp as well."

We talk for a while longer before I head off home. My actual home this time. Emmet is sneaking in through the window so I won't be alone.

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