All Over Again

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I arrive at Jakes to find him walking out. "Hey,what's wrong?"
"I had a massive argument with Bella." He opens his arms and I walk into them, wrapping my arms around his waist. He holds me tightly and sways me slightly.
"Do you want to talk bout it?" I shake my head into his chest.
"I want to forget about it and do something fun."
He pulls back smiling, "I'm going to Sams, coming?" I nod and we both jump on his bike. I hold onto him as he drives full speed down the roads.
We arrive in about ten minutes and am greeted by the entire pack standing outside the house and they are all shirtless, except for Emily and Leah. Seth picks me up and spins me. I hug him before making him up me down.
Emily smiles, "good to see you again." She hugs me before I'm pulled into a guy sandwich, if sandwiches had one middle and several slices. Finally I get the sexy boys off me, what they are?
"It's nice to see you all too. What are you up to?"
Quill winks at me, "were going cliff jumping."
"Sounds fun."
Brady places an arm around me, "come with us, if you can handle it?" I turn to him with a smirk.
"I would but..."
Emily smiles, "I have some swim suits you can choose from."
"Alright then." She leads me to her room and lays them out. I choose a black bikini with a paw print on the butt. They will love it. I put it on and change back into my clothes before joining them again.
They all seem to be arguing when I get back. Sam is kissing Emily and Leah is glaring at them. I step out and they fall silent. "What's going on?"
Seth rushes over, "can I give you a li....."
Jared shoves him, "i'll give her a lift...."
They are start arguing again. I turn to Leah and nod in the direction. She gives me a slight smile and I sneak away with her. We start running.
Then we hear, "WHERE DID SHE GO?" I run as fast as I can which doesn't even compare to a werewolf but I'm not a slow coach. Leah leads me through the woods, until someone catches up with me and slips me onto their back. It's Jared.
I chuckle and he runs faster, phasing with me on his back. No ones ever done that to me before so it was a bit of a shock. We finally arrive at the clearing and he gives me a wolffish grin before phasing back. I turn away as his naked.
"I'm dressed now." I turn to see him dressing in shorts. Sure that's dressed. I shake my head as the others arrive. Seth is glaring at Jared and comes over to me. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same.
Quill and Embry shove us apart. I'm flown back towards the forest. They both grab Seth and head towards the edge of the cliff. I choose my timing and run at Quill, he looses his grip on Seth and I shove him as hard as I can, with the help of Jared of course, and falls into the awaiting sea bellow.
Seth jumps away and so does Embry. I move to the edge and look down at the little figure. I send down a middle finger as he sends me one. I chuckle.
In seconds I've stopped laughing as Embry is shoved into the forest and I'm pulled behind a very large and muscly body. I hear growling and look to see....what the fuck is he doing here?
Seth tries to get to me but he shoves him back, all of this before I can make a word come out. I rush around to go to Seth but I'm pulled back. "Amy..."
"What?" I yell at him. He looks confused.
Sam steps forwards, "what do you want?"
He looks at me and then Embry who glares, "she was only going to hit the water." Then I realise that Embry was going to push me in and he thought he was 'saving' me.
"There is more than just water down there." He motions towards the rocks then looks at me.
"Why do you even care?"
"You don't understand." He looks away from me as if it's painful.
"Nor do I care." He turns to me so quickly, that if he was human, he would have whiplash.
"That's what you think?"
Now I'm furious. "What the hell am I suppose to think? You run know what? Just forget it and leave."
He stops towards me but Seth and Jake intercept. Jake says, "she doesn't want you here and neither do we." Quill has joined us now, soaking wet and a little pissed but probably more at me than the situation.
Emmet looks at me and sighs before disappearing. I look into the forest where I assume he ran into. Everyone's giving each other awkward looks before Brady suggests, "shall we continue jumping." He looks at me smirking.
But I can't smile because his just made me depressed and upset all over again. "Have fun guys, I'm going back." I head into the forest but Seth slips in front of me.
"You can't go yet. You haven't jumped." He tries to cheer me up and make me stay with one sentence.
But it doesn't work, "I'm hungry so I'll see you guys later." I begin the journey back. I know it like the back of hand. However Leah joins me.
We begin our walk in silence before she breaks it, "your not so different to me." I give her a confused look. "Liking someone who doesn't like you back."
I give her a sad smile, "I think it's a bit different. You at least got the guy first." She nods. "I'll explain but you can't tell anyone." She nods. "So it started...."
By the time were back at Sam's, I've finished the story. She nods once again, "his been a dick." I burst out laughing and she gives me a smile before joining in. "What he is?"
"I just never expected you to say that." She gives me a shrug. "Do you fancy some food?" She nods and we head into the town centre.

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