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Monday, June 9, 2014.

Harry's POV

"Nine minutes, nine minutes, people." The director shouts, causing me to shiver. I close my eyes, swallowing hard.

Why the fuck are you doing this, Harry? You know what is going to happen.

"Isn't this exciting, Harry? We finished school, I mean I did, and now we get to be on TV. How cool is that?" Niall asks from my left on the large couch. I ignore his stupidity, which I am a professional at by now, and continue to regret my decision of flying from a small town in Pennsylvania all the way to California. Although it wasn't my decision, I still count it as another reason why I hate myself. "Are you okay, Harry?" Niall asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I open my eyes to see Niall's visible innocence expressed by a grin.

"I'm fine." I lie, trying not to make it completely obvious that I am nervous. The truth is, I've never been this nervous in my entire life. One wrong word, or even one false action could get Liam arrested. I would rather have myself go back, and stay there for the rest of my life than have Liam arrested. I could never live with knowing that it would be my fault because of one little mistake I made. If I answer too quickly, they will assume that I'm hiding something. If I take my time, they're going to get too suspicious. Anything I say, anything I do will be watched, and the worst part of it all is that everything is on live television. I will not only be judged for what I say and do, but also for being the first man to get pregnant. Not once, but twice.

"Hello, Miss. Styles, right?" A tall man with dark black hair lets out from in front of me.

"I'm a boy, but I'm used to that by now, so whatever. I'm a girl, I guess, even though I am known as the man who got pregnant-"

"Whoa, I'm sorry, my mistake." The man takes a seat in the chair that is set out specifically for this public interview. "Are you excited to be on the show?" I assume the man is one of the hosts on the show.

I push my long, curly hair out of my face, and look directly into his eyes. "Do you want the truth, or some shit answer that I make up at the top of my head?"

The man laughs, and takes a hand through his quiff. "It would help if you would tell me the truth, but I wouldn't know if you made up some shit answer so..." He trails off, and shrugs his shoulders.

I breathe out heavily, trying to think of something to say so I can be left alone. "Honestly, I am terrified."

Okay, so I guess that my plan is to actually tell the truth. Okay, mouth, that was not what my brain was thinking at all, but whatever.

"Why are you terrified? Is there anything that I could do to make this a better experience for you?" The man wipes his sweaty hand on his clothed knee.

"No, I-"

Lie, mouth, lie.

"-am terrified of speaking in front of people. I'm kind of a shy gir-boy, I'm a boy." I correct myself, scrunching together my now closed eyes.

There is no way I am going to be able to do this, no fucking way.

The man chuckles at me, making me feel worse about the situation. "Well, you shouldn't be too scared. We only seat fifty people in our audience, and the rest are sitting at home watching, so you shouldn't be too scared." He attempts to make me feel better, but fails miserably. I open my eyes, noticing the large crowd. My eyes widen as I notice that I know everyone in the front row. My eyes lock with Liam's, causing me to gulp loudly. My eyes trail down the line of people, cringing every time I see someone I know.

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