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Avery's Outfit ^

Grayson's POV:

Throughout the ride to the dance, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Avery. She looks so amazing in white, she looks amazing in anything to be honest. Ever since this dare started I've fallen for her. It's crazy because my feelings for her are stronger than ever.

We go to the school and headed to the gym where the dance was located. I held her hand going in and I noticed how beautifully decorated the dance was. "Wow it looks amazing Avery." I say looking around. "Yeah." she says. Everyone's wearing white and it looks really cool.

"What do you wanna do?" She asks me. I smile and say "Photo booth" We both head to the photo booth and I called Ethan to come take some pictures with us too. We take one together and we take one with Ethan. We put them away and went to go dance.

There was a slow song on and I smirked at her. She blushed and I couldn't handle how cute she was. I put my hands on her waist and she put her arms around my neck. She could barley get them around my neck because she was short.

We dance and giggled and I had the sudden urge to kiss her. She was looking down at our feet and when she looked up at me our eyes met. She smiled a really sweet smile. I licked my lips and stared at hers. She got the hint and looked at my eyes and to my lips and back. I started to lean in and so did she. It felt like an eternity for our lips to touch but when they did I felt so many things. Butterflies, a spark, admiration and a whole lot more. It was at this moment I knew I had definitely fallen for Avery Rose.

It was a long passionate kiss and I didn't regret it one bit. The slow song stops and I ask her if she wants punch. "Yeah!" she says. I go and get us some punch while she talked to Riley.

All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a blonde girl wearing a red dress, I realized it was Britney. "Hey gray!" she says. "Um hi, what are you wearing?" I ask. "something that makes me stand out." she says twirling her hair. "you're supposed to wear white." I say walking away with Avery's punch. I give Avery hers and stand there with her and Riley.

Avery's POV:
"Oh my god, Riley his lips are so amazingly soft and I'm in love."  I told her. "Awh one true pairing!" she says.

Grayson came back with my punch and stood close next to me. Riley, Gray and I kept talking and laughing. We were having a great time. Grayson's friends came over and asked if they could talk to Grayson in private. I said sure and I was kinda curious what they needed him for. Probably football talk or something.

Grayson comes back looking upset, scared and worried. "Grayson, are you okay." "Uh yeah." he chokes out. His friends come over again and just stand there. I then see Britney walk over and she says "What's up everyone!"

"Go on Gray, Do it." Their friend Shane says. "What?" I ask confused. Gray looks at me with sad eyes. I start to get scared and my heart is racing. Ethan then comes up beside me and asks "Um what's going on guys." We all stood their silent. "Gray tell her about the dare." their friend Shane says smirking.  "W-What dare?" I ask confused. Grayson looked down and back at me and he's got a really worried look in his eyes. "Gray if you don't tell her I will." Shane says. "T-Tell her then." he chokes out. "Avery, you and Grayson are a Joke or I should say a Dare. I dared him to go out with you for two weeks and break up with you on the two week mark. Sorry but he doesn't actually like you and you probably mean nothing to him. You guys are over. Well you never really started but yeah. See ya around Avery." Shane says. My heart shattered into a billion pieces and I felt my face get hot. I was now crying waterfalls.

Shane takes Grayson's arm and starts to pull him. I felt light headed because how much I'm crying and how heartbroken I am. I've never felt this way about anyone. "Avery w-" that's all I heard and then I blacked out.

** 3 hours later **

I wake up in a white room with medical equipment and my guess is that I'm in a hospital. I look around to see a doctor working on a computer. "Oh good you're awake." she says walking over to me. "W-Why am I here?" I ask. "Well you fainted and fell really hard at your school dance." she says. I start crying again and I see Riley, Ethan, Grayson and Shane walk in. I couldn't breathe once I saw Grayson come in. "Avery honey what's wrong?" the doctor asks worriedly. I couldn't talk. I kept crying and gasping for air. "Can you guys leave for a bit? Come back in about an hour!" the doctor tells everyone.

"Avery, what's the matter?" the doctor asks. I start calming a bit and I could choke some words out now. "I-I'm heartbroken." I say sniffling. "Why sweetie?" she says rubbing my arm. I then explain to her everything and she was really easy to open up to. "Sweetheart give the kids time to explain. I'm sure they'd like that. I was a bet to my husband. Yes we got married and after all that trouble in high school we got through it and we are as happy as ever. Just let them explain."

I thought to myself wondering how she went through all that pain. I mean I may be over exaggerating on this situation but the feelings I have for Grayson will probably never change unless I force them to go away, which will be hard.

"let them in one by one." I say sniffling.
She let in Riley, just who I wanted to talk to.

"Hi Ave. Are you okay?"
"No, Ry I'm not. I'm heartbroken."
"Babe you're gonna go through broken hearts. Gray wasn't the one, I'm sorry."
"I believed he was the one. He made me fall for him harder than I expected I would."
"He's devastated himself Avery! He was out there on the verge of crying. If he didn't do this ... *sighs* just let him explain." Riley says walking out.

As she left I sat there all alone, heartbroken and upset in myself. I let him play with me and I just can't believe I let him fool me. I should've taken the hint he basically gave away. He didn't kiss me until today which probably meant nothing.

I hear the door open distracting me from my thoughts, I quickly wipe away my tears and look to see who's coming in.

It was Grayson.

What's Grayson gonna say and how will Avery react to it?

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