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Grayson's POV:
Knowing she wanted her feelings for me to go away really hurts me. I have had feelings for her for a while, just not as strong as they are now.

"Avery, I'm honestly really sorry. If I wouldn't have done the dare then Shane and all my other friends would have probably picked on me for the rest of my life."

"So you'd rather hurt me then be picked on for a while, I doubt they would've remembered writhing months."

"No I just-"

"Grayson that's exactly why you did it. You didn't wanna be picked on so you decided to do the dare and hurt me."

"This is hurting me too, okay. You don't understand how bad I feel. I didn't wanna be picked on yes but I wasn't in it to hurt you. Honestly I was gonna stay with you until Shane came over and talked to me at the dance."

"Glad I found out, because our relationship would've been a big lie just like it is now."

It was silent for a few minutes and she started to tear up.

"Avery I'm-"

"I need to go, um thanks for you explanation." she says getting up and leaving.

"Avery wait!"

I try to go after her and I grab her wrist right at the front door. She turns around and looks at me. She's so beautiful it hurts. I pull her close into a hug and I hug her tight. She doesn't hug me back but this might be the last time I hold her like this.

I then let go of her and she looks at me with tears going down her cheeks and says "Goodbye Grayson." she then starts to walk away.

My chest hurts, my head hurts, I'm sad and I'm an emotional boy right about now.

Avery's POV:
I didn't know if I believe Grayson. I got really emotional because it seemed like he'd rather hurt me then be picked on. He'd probably only be picked on for a few days and then his friends would forget. I'm so emotional I can't handle it so I decide to leave.

His words went through one ear and out the other after he told me:
"Avery, I'm honestly really sorry. If I wouldn't have done the dare then Shane and all my other friends would have probably picked on me for the rest of my life."

After that I started thinking about how selfish and rude that made him sound. I quickly try to head back home but he stops me on his porch. I turn around and look at him and my eyes were filled with tears.

He pulled me in a tight, warm hug and I couldn't hold my tears in anymore. Knowing this is probably the last hug I'll get from him hurts me because I'm probably not gonna talk to him for a long time.

He lets go after a minute passed by and we looked each other in the eyes. Man are his eyes gorgeous, "Avery stop you don't like him anymore." I tell myself in my head.

"Goodbye Grayson." I say and walk away heading home. I started to silently ball my eyes out. If I don't want to be hurt emotionally then the best thing to do is to stay away from him.

I get home trying to avoid my parent so they don't see me crying and oh.. wait I haven't told them about Grayson and I's "breakup". I'm probably not gonna tell them anyways.

I take a long shower and I was so stressed, sad, mad, depressed, annoyed and I just cry and cry right here in the shower.

About two hours later I get out to my house being completely silent and everyone's asleep. Ava, mom and dad are all in their bedroom sleeping.

I put on a tank top and some joggers for my pajamas and I relax on my bed. I check my phone to see over 50 messages from Grayson and 17 missed calls from him as well. I had a few missed calls from Riley so I decided to call her back.

I talked to her for a while and she even decided to come over... at 12am. A best-friend has to do anything to make their best-friend happy.

She comes over and sits down with me on my bed. I vent to her about everything that's going on and she's so supportive and I love that about her.

Sooner or later we both fall asleep on my bed to some music we both liked.

--- Next Morning ---

I woke up to the sound of Riley's alarm. I look over and she's already awake and getting ready. I get up and get ready for school. I put on a black loose crop top and some ripped up american eagle skinny jeans.

I slightly curl my long hair and put on some jewelry. I put on some winged eyeliner, mascara and slightly full in my brows for more definition. I put on some cute sandals and grab my bag then head downstairs for breakfast.

"Riley c'mon my mom made us se bacon and egg tacos!" I shout out softly.

I then see little Ava run into the kitchen and she asks me "Can you make me some taco?" I smile, make her a taco and hand it to her and then I say "Eat up big girl." She likes being called big girl because she feels likes she's a big girl and not some 5 year old.

Riley and I finish our breakfast and we head out to my moms car where my dad is waiting. "Ready Girls?" He asks. "Yup." We say in sync.

-- 1st period --

Luckily Riley and I have first period together, if she didn't I think I'd be scared to show my face here at this school again.

We got dressed in our gym clothes and went out in the gym to stretch. We headed out to the track with everyone else and followed the coaches rules. "Run a mile, Go out in the field stretch and play soccer with the boys."

As we were running I noticed Britney would occasionally look at me and turn back to her friends and laugh. I started to get a little worried and curious on what she was saying or laughing at.
Riley and I got ahead of her and her "clique" and we're on our last lap.
As I was running and talking with Riley I was pushed by someone as they passed us. I fell and got a few scrapes I then look up to see a group of girls laughing while Riley's trying to help me up.

"What the hell was that for Britney?" I ask. "What? Did I push you? Oh I'm soooo sorry, not." she says obnoxiously laughing. "Whatever just leave me alone." I say starting to walk off. "Aver you, how are you and your boyfriend Grayson." she asks. I turn around to see her smirking. "I heard he didn't even like you and you were just a dare." she says walking closer to me. "Shut up." I say. "Shut up, awh how petty of you to say. Sorry that gray played with you, he never liked you and you should've noticed because he didn't wanna kiss you." she says evilly laughing. "Not what he told me last night, he was telling me he still liked me, a lot. That if he didn't do the dare he would've been picked on. He did have feelings for me and he still does so you're wrong." I say firing back. "I'm pretty sure he doesn't have feelings for you anymore if he showed up at my house around 11 last night. He moves on fast I guess." she starts walking off. What she said broke my heart again, why would he go to her house out of all people? ugh. "Oh and Avery he's an amazing kisser and even more amazing in bed." She smirks and turns back around. I've had enough I started to run after her, she's pushed this too far and I'm tired of her.

"Avery! Avery don't!" I hear Riley say as she tries running after me.


What happens next? Does Avery catch up and hurt Britney?

A/N: Do you guys want long chapters kinda like this one but a bit more longer? comment & vote for this chapter if you do want longer chapters. ❤️ Thanks for all the reads and be sure to add this to your library if you haven't and comment because I looooovve reading the comments. You can comment anything on my chapters idc if it has nothing to do with the story just comment something silly or ideas on the next chapters.

Love you all so much and stick around for the next chapter. :))))

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