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Avery's POV:
As we are driving around town looking for this jerk, I noticed how Cam and Ethan aren't that worried. I start to get curious on why they weren't freaking out. I left that though alone though.

I had this sudden urge to dial Grayson's number, he probably wouldn't answer. He's mad at me as well, I don't have any clue why but I know that he was angry after he came to my hospital room the second time.

I pull out my phone, I scroll down to Grayson's contact and I hesitantly call him. "what are you doing?" Ethan asks.
It rings and rings until I was sent to voicemail. I then knew Grayson was okay because he declined the call and sent me to voicemail.

"Okay I just called Grayson and he declined my call and sent me to voicemail." I say. "Call him again and leave him a voicemail!" Cam said.

I call again.

It rang at least 3 times and I was sent to voicemail again.

"Grayson, I know we're not really on speaking terms and I know I blew up on you and I probably shouldn't have but please your parents are worried about you. I actually would like you to explain everything to me, I won't interrupt or send you away, I'll listen this time. Here's Ethan, 'Hey buddy, we're all really worried about you, come home dude. We can all  settle things out. Love and miss you bud.' Avery again, um please call me back, bye."

That was the voicemail and now I wait for a call back.

It was several hours later when I hear my phone ring. I look at Ethan and he looks at me. I look down and it was Grayson. I quickly answer the call, "grayson?"
"Avery, come pick me up. I'm in Newark, 17th avenue." he says tiredly.
"Grayson, that's like 2 hours away from where we are!?"
"Come pick me up."

The call goes dead. He's in a different city then what we are, how'd he even get there?

"Ethan he's in Newark."
"What the, how'd he get there?"
"I-I don't know."

-- 2 hours, Newark New Jersey --

We're looking around trying to find 17th avenue. Cameron is getting anxious to find him and we're almost out of gas so she parks and we start to walk. We walk for about 30 minutes until we reached 17th avenue.

It was a small neighborhood with like 10 houses and at the end was an ally way.

"My guess, he's in the ally way." Ethan says.

Ethan and I start to run all the way down the end of the neighborhood and into the ally way. We were cautious just in case something jumps out at us. "G-Grayson?" I ask. I hear someone cough. I turn the corner to see Grayson sitting there. "Oh my god." I say running over to him. "Bro what happened?" Ethan asks. "I was w-walking down the neighborhood when some guys came and jumped me. I saved my phone though, it was in m-my pants." he says. "We need to go now." I say. Ethan starts helping him up and we help him walk back to Cameron and the car.

We got to the car and that's when Cameron ran right up to gray and hugged him tight. Grayson winced in pain but hugged her back. "Don't you do that again Grayson." She says.

We get him to the nearest hospital because he's got a deep cut near his eyebrow. The doctors give him medicine to put on it and he didn't need stitches. They cleaned him up and he's got some bruised ribs so they wrap his torso to keep everything in place so he's not in pain. I couldn't help but stare at his abs, he's so muscular and so .. I can't think of him like this, I can't.

We drove to a gas station and filled up the car and we even got us some snacks. We then drive back to long valley which is another two hours.

-- back at the Dolans house --

Grayson walks in his house hesitantly because his parents probably will be furious. I go down to the basement with Ethan and Cameron to avoid their parents getting angry at Grayson.

"Want a drink Avery?" Cameron asks. "Sure!" I say. Cameron goes back upstairs to get me a drink.

"You know, gray actually did like you and meant everything at the dance." Ethan says. I just sit there trying to ignore what he said when he spoke up again, "You seem to have really liked him." it was silent for a bit until I broke that silence. "I did, I don't know anymore." I say kinda awkwardly. I lied, I still do like him but I really can't. I don't wanna be hurt, heartbroken, sad etc. I know I barely 'dated' him for 2 weeks but I've basically always had feelings for him since the 6th grade.

"Avery?" I hear someone ask. I look up to see Cameron standing there holding a water bottle to my face. "O-Oh sorry, I was zoning out." I say taking a drink of the water. "Where's Grayson?" I ask. "Parents sent him to his room." Cam said. "Can I go talk to him?" I ask. "yeah, up the stairs down the hall to the right." she says.

I make my way to his room, I knock and wait for an answer. I then see A half naked Grayson standing there. I was distracted by his muscular body and I couldn't think straight. "Avery?" he asks. "Oh I uhh, need, well want to um, talk to you." I say trying my best to look him in the eyes. "C'mon sit down." he says pointing to his bed. His room is really nice, pretty big, not dirty and smells nice too.

"Um, I wanted you to finish explaining your 'part' of all this because I didn't let you finish. So um, continue." I say nervously.

Grayson's POV
After getting home from "running away" I was yelled at and sent to my room. Sooner or later Avery came in and told me to explain to her my part of this situation so I guess I'm gonna do that now.

"Avery, I swear I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I know you're heartbroken and I kinda am too. I developed feelings for you throughout this dare thing. I understand if you don't have feelings for me anymore b-"

"I've always had feelings for you Grayson, since the 6th grade. I don't think they're going away anytime soon even though I wish they would."

How's this talk gonna fold out in the end? Will it all go back to normal, whatever normal is?

A/N: sorry for making you wait so long for this update. kinda sucks but I've been kinda busy getting ready for school. :((( where did summer go? can summer restart please!? but anyways im gonna improve don't worry. ❤️ thanks so much for commenting, I love comments. comment something random if you don't know what to comment. haha.

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