Chapter One: Evil Never Stops Working

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The Photographer Series:

Book Two:

All Or Nothin

Excuse All Mistakes 💁

Enjoy 😙👌

Lialih 💜

Book Two:

All Or Nothin

Chapter One: Evil Never Stops Working

" Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried." - Mae West

|Compton Smith Point Of  View|

"Mec sweetie stop running around and pick up your toys before you dad come over with Andrew." I said to Mecca as I closed my lyric book

Mecca looked at me with a sour face. I lightly chuckled as I helped her pick up her toys. Mecca doesn't like Andrew. I can't make her like him but when August is around she puts on the biggest front.

"Mecca come her real quick." I said sitting on the floor Indian style

"yes Mommy?" She said into sweetest voice ever

"why don't you like Andrew ?" I asked her running my fingers through her curls

"because he isn't daddy's son, I over heard Ms.LaWhore talkin to someone on the phone about it." Mecca said rolling her eyes

"ms.LaWhore ? , Mecca you have been around me and uncle Rakim to long" I said laughing at I continued to pick up her toys

As Mecca cleaned up her toys I mad a few snacks for August, Mecca & Andrew. Meccas words kept repeating in my head the more thought bout it Andrew doesn't look anything like August. I pushed those thoughts to the side as  continued to mix the fruit salad and made a few a PB&J sandwiches. I sat the food on the island and washed my hands. Mecca ran into the kitchen and grabbed a handful of grapes out of the bowl and stuffed them In her mouth.

"Mecca Selena Alsina stop stuffing them in your mouth before you choke, now go sit a the Islam and get the grapes the right way." I said in a serious tone causing her to pout and sit down

I took one of Mecca's grapes and stuffed it in my mouth as I made y way inside the living room. I finished picking up the last of Mecca's toys when there was a knock on the front door followed by someone making a beat. I laughed to myself as I opened the door. August stood there with a bag from a Pink in his hand. I looked behind him looking for Andrew.

"Drew's With Leah out of state for the week." August said

"oh Okay, why didn't you just use your key?" I asked walking back inside the kitchen.

"I left it home and I didn't feel like going back and getting it beside I just came from the mall" August said grabbing a strawberry out of the bowl of fruit salad.

I slapped his hand away causing me to have a flash back.

I sat down at the island and eat some of my fruit salad with August and T sat down beside me. Damn it I forgot they were even here and I still have to give T an answer.

" So have you thought about it?" T asked picking a blue berry out of my bowl

"Yes nigga and keep ya King Kong hands out of my bowl for I cut you." I said laughing

The Photographer & All Or Nothin (Books 1 & 2) #Wattys2015 #ImJustCreativeWhere stories live. Discover now