Chapter One

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I left the airport with a huff.

No poptarts she said, no shwarma she said.

"Well you're the one who almost left your 6 year old daughter on a plane that was heading to England!" I yelled outloud, more of a bunch of strange sounds that got me a few looks.

My mom gave me a strange look, as if having no idea no idea what I was talking about.

Soon, (and when I say soon I mean a few seconds), her face was stuck onto Juniors again. I swear, they have like suction cups for mouths or something because I'm sure I heard like.... popping sounds.


My throat was burning intensely from the massive amount of screaming and shouting I had just done a few minutes ago. I looked out of the window in the yellow cab. I can't lie, Sweden was a beautiful place, and Junior was definitely right, a lot of greenary and no city lights.

Normally, a 16 year old girl wouldn't survive in this climate. But I'm not your average 16 year old.

 I treat books as if they are my best friends. I always pay attention to them, take care of them when they're thrown on the ground, and spend a ton of my time with them, similar to me with my best friend Billy the Laptop. I mean, it's not like I don't have friends, it's just a laptop and a couple of books don't have any drama.

I flipped my unnaturally, groom-worthy, long front bang onto the top of my head, and looked down at Haley, who was sound asleep. My eyes immedietly faultered a bit. Watching her sleep was making me sleepy. But if I fell asleep, then Junior, lets just call him JDot, and my mom would go farther then sucking each others faces off. I gave both of them an ice cold glare.

Good thing Haley wasn't awake, or I'd have to step in and stop the "saliva-switching" situation. I tore my attention away from the couple and laid my forehead on the glass window. My thoughts soon took over to the reason why we were here.

"Honey, this is a new start, for all of us, I just feel we all need to start fresh," she began, getting an automatic groan from me.

She sent me a small glare, more of a scowl. I ignored her and continued my yammering.

"Mom, this is completly uneeded! I just want to stay with my friends! Just because JDot is moving there doesn't mean we have to migrate with him!" I said, whining.

"Honey, if we really want to make this commited then moving with him to Sweden will help with it. Besides, I think we all need to start fresh, get out of California! Travel the world! Go to better places!"

I sent a tired look at my mom. Not physically tired, but metaphorically tired if that made any sense at all. Where'd she even get this new "fresh start" stuff from? She knew that JDot could never replace dad, even if he gave me a million dollars, and I was seroius.

As if on cue, JDot waltzed in, in all of his 20's glory. Yes, my mom has a younger boyfriend. And no, you can't judge, because I already have. 

"Good morning love, good morning love's offspring," he said to my mom, then to me. Gosh, I swear he doesn't even know our last name!

"Hello, JDot," I said, giving him a glare.

"Avery! I said not to call him that name! You know what it means!" my mom yelled at me.

JDot looked at me and my mom.

"I don't," he said.

"Well theres a reason for that, NOW KISS ME YOU FOOL!" she said, pulling him towards her.


Or at least that's how I remembered it

I woke up with my head still pressed to the cab window. Taking it off and rubbing my forehead, I saw that everything was the same, my parents still sucking each others faces off, and Haley still laying in my lap. The imprint from all the grease from my forehead had rubbed off onto the window.


I grunted before realizing that the cab had come to a stop. I looked at my surroundings, and had seen that we had stopped near the boardwalk and lots of small shops. Maybe Town square? Wait, Sweden had a beach? I guess my geography maps off wiki didn't help.

"This is where you're supposed to get off, Monistead family," said the cab driver in a saddened, glumy tone. I pat his back before me and my family got out of the cab, and into the fresh Sweden air. Ah. Sweden. No, not California where there are beach waves and beautiful sun. No, not antartica where you can see the northern lights. Sweden.

Thanks to JDot, we are in Sweden.

I carried Haley in my arms as we exited the cab, my mom finally detaching her face from JDot's. Getting all the bags and suitcases from the cab, we all started towards our new apartment.

It was among many others that looked just like it, a beautiful tall, brick apartment that looked more like a squished house inbetween many others. Happy with the whole arrangement , I started up the brick steps, silently admiring how the lillies and roses lined the stairs.

I carried Haley up the front steps into our new home, and took a deep breath and smelled new everything once I opened the door.

I settled Haley down on the convenient, already placed couch as I watched my mom come in, JDot struggling behind with bags.

He glanced up at me with an admiring smile, leading me to guess what he was going to ask next.

"Hey offspring darling? Can you aid me with these bags?" he asked, motioning towards me.

"Not until you know my name, JDot," I said, before rushing upstairs before my mom yelled at me for calling him that.

As I exited from the steps onto the second floor, I decided to pick a random room and open it, revealing a beautifully designed bedroom.


Big, Open Space!

A queen size bed!

I'm so spoiled.

"I'm living in luxiary!" I shouted before running to envelope myself in huge blankets that covered the entire bedspread. 

I braced myself for the promising impact.

Going to Sweden |A Pewdiepie Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now