Chapter 9

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C Hapter 9

"Whoa," said Felix, holding the knife, yanking it away from me. "Nothing is that bad to commit self harm, bro." He said, setting the glistening knife down on the counter. I also set down my hand, and I looked him in the eyes. 

"Y-Your right, I-I just, was going to fast, my heads going crazy, Felix," I said, starting to rub the back of my head. I had a terrible headache that doesn't seem like it wanted to go away. 

"Let's sit down, and you can tell me everything that happened up there," he said, as we began walking back into the living room. 

I sat down on the loveseat as he sat next to me, patting my back. 

"Ugh, I'm a mess," I finally said, breaking our moment of silence. 

"I know," he said, making me smack his arm playfully. "Do you.... self harm?" he finally asked, making me look at him with disbelief. 

"No," I said, staring down at the carpet, unsure of what to say next. 

"So," he began, "What did your mom say that set you off," he began, fixing himself on the sofa, resting his arm on the back of the couch. I leaned forward, and set my elbows on my knees, my hair touching my thighs. 

"S-She said.. or inferred that she had done nothing to find my twin... when she had gone missing," I said, struggling to hold back the tears. But that wasn't helping the situation. 

I felt like a bag of tears was about to explode out of my tear ducts, and flood the place, that was how much it hurt. I had always wondered why my mom had been so overprotective on who I hung out with, or whenever I went out with a group of friends, she would call me every few minutes. It soon got annoying and I asked her to stop, but she never did, not until we moved to Sweden anyways. 

I took my elbows off my knees, to meet Felix's stern eyes, he looked worried, yet interested. Stranglyey, that attracted me, and something was telling me it was alright to cry, because it was almost like he'd gone through the same thing. 

At least he cared. 

I felt like leaning in and.....

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked, reality smacking me cold hard in the face. This wasn't some soap opera where I fall for the one person I least expected. I didn't like Felix... in that way of course. He was a good friend, and not the kind of guy I would date. Besides, he has a girlfriend that I can tell he loves with all his heart, so I didn't really have a chance. 

"I don't know," I finally said, realizing there was a long pause inbetween. Hopefully he wouldn't notice it. 

"What were you thinking about. I could tell you were thinking about something, an idea?" he stated, rubbing his chin. The smile struggled to form on my face, since I wasn't letting it through. 

"Nothing important, just reasons why my mom wouldn't care for her missing child." I stated, even believeing myself. Well it was true... but once again there were other things on my mind. 

"Could I maybe get some water?"  he said, getting up from the couch. I smiled as I did so to, and we both wandered into the kitchen. 

Once I opened the doors, I had found my mom sitting at the wooden dinner table, drinking water. I kept my head down as I walked over to the cabnet, opening it and grabbing out to tall glasses. 

While I was at the faucet, the tension in the air hit me like a wave. 

My mom and Felix. 

Would would you do if your daughter had brought some random man over, way older then her, and hadn't been notified by it at all? 

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