Chapter 32

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Quick side note-

I've been away recently to places that have no WiFi so I haven't been able to update, but I want to thank you all so much for your kind comments and everything!  They really do make me smile if I'm struggling with the day! 

The amount of stress was overpowering my thoughts, my entire mind at the moment. I was pretty sure that my dad had died in that car accident so long ago. It couldn't have been faked because I had seen his body in the actual casket, and then the casket buried into the ground.

It must've been the ultimatant magic trick.

I don't know why, but I started to feel tears tug at the corners of my eyes. My dad, the one guy that I had grown up loving, was alive and well.

Actually, I had no idea how he was doing, just that he was alive. That was enough for me.

Now I had the strongest passion to find my dad, I wanted to see him breathing, alive, and well. I wanted him to pick my up and swing me around just like he did when I was younger. Even if I weigh like 120 pounds.

I decided to read the next page as if it would give me a clue as to where he was.

July 15th, 2002

I have an idea, and I finally think it's time. A car accident. I've told him about faking his death and at first he had objected it completely.  I then told him the consequences if he had not, and how life would be a pain in the ass afterwards. He agreed, and that one night when he kissed his daughters goodbye would be the last night he would see them. It was all staged, the bags under his eyes had shown even to Avery and Juliet that he was tired, which dozing off had caused him to run off the road, wrecking the car and his life. Avery and Juliet had been in tears even months afterwards, but all I did was remain quiet and away from the children to show that I to was affected even though I wasn't. The ultimant plan paid off with the greatest price, freedom.

Anger boiled throughout my entire body. JDot2 was definitely a gold digger, one that would fake her husbands death just to get away from him and debt. I could never look at her the same way ever again. I decided to read the next few passages, which consisted of getting prepared for the funeral, the actual funeral, and more problems consisting of Juliet. 

August 27, 2002

Juliet had become a pain, almost an unbearable pain to take care of. 5 years, 5 years is all I can take before I cracked. I had devised a simple plan to rid of the troublesome child so then when she was older, I would claim her back as if she hadn't gone missing at all. The mall was where I would lose her, and the organazation would pick her up. I wouldn't return any of their calls, and if they showed up to my house I would say I moved to another country. Believe it or not they fell for it and gave up 3 months later. Juliet and my husband were both taken care of, out of my way.

I looked over at Juliet, trying to hide any emotion when she glanced back at me, looking completely innocent. Did she know of the plan that my mother had devised? She was serious when she said everyone loved me more, to the point when someone tried to get rid of her because she was such a pain.

"Juliet, I'm sorry," I muttered, causing her to give me a strange look. She shrugged and went back to her book, not knowing the plan made on losing her for 13 years. Did I want to tell her? Was it worth it? No, even though she was a pain, it wasn't worth it to bring more trouble into a situation that doesn't need to be recalled.

Was I the only one that my mom had cared for at the time? Is her new family enough for her now? I felt the strong urge to make things right, even if it meant ruining my mom's perfect idea for a family right now. I now knew that my dad was alive, and that I was going to find him.

JDot's (Mother's) P.O.V

The journal. It's gone.

I swear I had left it on the dresser along with a couple of books underneath it. It was quite suspicious of Avery to leave like that, but if she had had the journal in her hands, I would've seen it already.

That journal holds way to much to lose and for others to learn about. All my plans for a perfect, rich family would be ruined if everyone learned the truth, especially Avery, she would be ruined. 

Don't think of me like that, I just wanted a comfortable living space for my family and for us to not be swimming in tons of debt. Junior and I had perfectly discussed that he wouldn't be leaving me and that he had loved me before we flew away to Sweden. 

I don't work, I never have, so why would I want a dead-end job husband to ruin that and make my life more difficult?

I started to panic, leaving the room with my boyfriend and younger daughter questioning me as I closed the door. I ventured into my two teenage daughter's room. I spotted Juliet reading a book, so she didn't seem suspicious. I had also spotted Avery underneath her sheets. That was unusual. Juliet spoiled my investigation by saying hello.

"Hi mom, Anything you want?"

I quickly saw Avery moving around frantically in her sheets, as if she was hiding something. As she uncovered herself, her hair was a gigantic mess of strangled pieces of hair.

"Honey, what were you doing?"

"It's not what you think."

I decided to leave Avery alone, and go out of the room, leaving it alone for now. The book must've droppped or something into a small corner. There's no reason to randomley blame my girls when I don't have any proof. Maybe it was Haley or Junior that could've knocked it down. I have no other ideas. Maybe it was the cleaning maid. I would have to complain about that later.

Avery's P.O.V

She noticed. She noticed her journal is gone. I can't let her find me with it, or I won't get to know anything else that's important. She's a gold digger, my mom. Or JDot2. She also doesn't care for bad behavvior, which I have no idea why she didn't give me up instead. I had to find a place to hide it. MY UNDERWEAR SUITCASE. It would be a really awkward situation for her to be going through it. I quickly jumped out of my bed and shoved it in the small front pocket of the suitcase. Juliet shot me a weird look but I decided to ignore it. I was now in suspicion since I was underneath my sheets for no apparent reason.

I made my way back to my bed and sat down.  "Avery?"  questioned Juliet. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing important."

I decided to cover myself one more time before reading one of the last entries, dated to be written a few days ago.

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