Chapter Two

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"Junior notified me that you were sassy to him?"

"I BELIEVE I CA-" I shouted, ready to land in a promising cloud, when all my hopes and dreams were crushed, including my rib cage. 


Slowly getting up, ignoring the painful throbbing in my head, I balanced myself , and sat towards the end of the bed. 

As if on cue, JDot came in, mattress blocking his pretty little face. 

"Sorry offspring, but I didn't have to time to put your mattress on, just your sheets," he stated, causing the monster inside to strangle its bars, trying to get out. It was time to get sassy. 

"Ok listen, JDot, first of all, I have a name, learn it. Second of all, you seriously had the time to put on my sheets, blankets, and pillow, but didn't even have time to put down a mattress that was right outside the hallway!? What does my mom see in you!?" I belted sassily to him.

"Gosh, you're so annoying," I pondered out loud as I walked past him and into the hallway. I was done with that mess. I headed down the  hallway, which was lined with paintings that looked to be local. There would be no other way for my mom to buy paintings except for help out the community.

One good thing about her.

 I ventured into another room, guessing that it was Haley's room. A subtle pink that gradually made the place more inviting.  I decided to look out her window to see her view and compare it to mine, surprised when I spotted a small group of teenagers surrounding a desginated spot. Tilting my head sideways, I looked closer and saw the person they were crowding around. 

Some man and another women, which im pretty sure is his girlfriend since he has his arm around her waist. 

Straw, short blond hair, in the process of a bad hair day, while the girl had long straight brown hair.
Curious, I decided to go and investigate. My luck, finding something to do on my first day in Sweden.


I rushed down my front steps, starting towards the group which sounds got louder and louder as I got closer and closer. My anticipation grew as I soon myself part of the crowd, a array of pushing and small insults thrown towards one another for pushing each other. Besides the insults, there were multiple compliments and excited shrieks for people who were closer to the attraction.

I pushed my way through the crowd, but they didn't seem to mind, since all they were trying to do was get a good look at the two people. 

Once I got to the front, I finally spotted him and her. Yup, she was definetly not Swedish. She didn't have a Swedish accent, but definetly a different one. I also got a closer look at the guy, who was apprently signing autographs? Whoa, he must've been famous. He also doesn't look half bad either. 

When one apparent fan wasn't looking, I yanked a pen from her notebook sneakily, mentally high fiving myself for having such skills. In order to actual borrow a pen it would require human interaction, and I wasn't ready for that. I decided to the popstar to sign my arm, noting that I had no way to get a notebook or piece of paper unless I asked. 

I finally made it to the front, locking eyes with the all famous celebrity. Was he an actor? Singer? Dancer? 

I pulled out my arm almost too quickly, forgetting that I couldn't just sit there and study him the entire time. 

He laughed at the awkward reaction, taking my pen and signing my arm. Pew-die-pie? What? What kind of actor's name is Pew-

"Thanks for coming, bro," he said to me.

Not immediately getting his reaction, I turned away, only to turn back to respond.


Plus, who even uses bro anymore? It's so 80's. 

I sent him a glare as I turned back around, deciding to head towards a small cafe that I had spotted earlier. He seemed confused. Well when someone calls you a guy, it's not very confusing, or amusing. Heh heh, rhyme. 

Right when I was about to enter the cafe, I heard a shouting voice, "Sorry bro's! But me and Marzia have somewhere to go and are on crunched time!" 

Does he call everyone bro or something? 

I entered the cafe, half fuming, half confused. Who was that guy? And why did he call everyone bro? And why and how is he popular? There were girls, but there were also an assortment of boys too. This meant he couldn't have been some 'super-duper hot actor' in Sweden.

As I about to turn around to hopefully get one last look at him, I felt a rough hand carefully press on my shoulder.  

Immediatly, on contact, I grabbed the arm, and flipped it, the person landing in front of me with their eyes closed. 

Straw blong hair covered his face, a grunt sounding throughout the small cafe, causing people to glance over in confusion.

It was that guy! 

I turned around, finding her girlfriend staring at me in horror. Hey! It wasn't my fault that 70% of rapes begin with the touch of the shoulder! It was self defense! 

I looked back down at the guy, wondering why he had tried to get my attention before. It obviously wasn't for what I thought, considering his girlfriend was with him also.

Oh well, never touch me on the shoulder again. 

Done and done. 

Sorry if this was rude! It's just the main character is naturally sarcastic and rude, and doesn't trust complete strangers! 

Going to Sweden |A Pewdiepie Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now