Chapter 21

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I froze, a bit uncomfortable as David just eyed me up and down.

"Well well, Avery, long time no see," he said, taking a seat right next to me. I needed some way to get rid of him.

"Is this even your seat?"

"Do you have a phone anymore? Was it cut off or something?" he asked, ignoring my question. He scooted in closer to me, making myself get closer to the other seat where he was not sitting in.

"Uh, yea," I lied, hoping karma wouldn't bite me and my phone wouldn't ring right next to him or I would get a text.

"Can I see it then, just to make sure my messages didn't get to you? Other then that I have a ton to ask you about," he said, trying to reach into my pocket for my phone.

"Oh my god! Get away from me!" I yelled a bit too loud, signaling 2 flight attendants to come to my rescue. Thank the lord.

"Is there a problem here, miss?" one of them asked, eyeing David seductively. I got to admit, he was pretty good looking, just too much of a good friend to become more then friends.

"Yes, can you please escort this lost man to his right seat? I'm afraid he's made a mistake. Might be delusional that's it," I said, pushing David away from me. He tumbled to the floor in shock and belief.

"See, delusional, you should lay off giving him the beer," I said, pointing my thumb at him. He gave me a look of disbelief as the same attendant helped him off his feet into another room. Thank god I could avoid him. I felt bad after sending that message when I first arrived in Sweden saying that I wanted nothing to do with him and that he was too late to say he loved me at that moment. I also said that I used to like him too. Probably not the best idea after he tried to forcefully take advantage of my phone. Couldn't he just move on?

After a few minutes and peace and silence, I had another interuption. But this one wasn't so bad.

"Hey, the flight attendants are messing around with the seating arrangements and moved me here, My name is Ashton," he said, taking the seat right next to me.

"Hi, I'm Avery," I said, a bright smile on my face. Now this guy wasn't so bad. He was pretty cute, and very polite from my first impression of him.

"So, what do you do, professionally model?" I asked, regretting it. I swear I can't even control what comes out of my mouth sometimes! I slapped my hand over my mouth.

Ashton must've noticed my surprised expression because he chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder, sending electrical sparks throughout my entire body.

"No, love, I'm in a band called 5sos, and I'm just taking a trip to the Bahama's to get a break this week."

"Oh cool, interesting. But you'd also be a great model," I said, just now noticing his accent. "Where are you from? Your accent is either British or-"

"Oh I'm Australian and American, so is the rest of our band. But enough about me, tell me about yourself," he said, leaning on his hand and staring at me.

Oh my god.

I stared around the corner, making sure Juliet could see me. She was staring, a hurtful, jealous gaze trying to penetrate into me. Of course it didn't work. Well, at least I'll be happy for the next 7 hours.

"Well, for starters...." and with that I drifted off into a brief description of my life and my crazy adventure's ever since I had moved to Sweden.

Juliet's P.O.V

I'm so mad right now.

Literally like right after I got up from where I was, in that terrible place, the three, fat, sweaty men moved. This is blasphemy!

Once that happened, complete sorrow and saddness overtook all my features, and my mom had noticed.

"Honey what's wrong? I wanted to give you a break from those men, and Juliet was practically the only one I could move. You could go back if you want to-"

"YES! Sorry mom and I love you but now that those sweaty men are gone-"

"That wasn't a choice Juliet. It was a rhetorical question," said my mom, ending our small argument and turning back to watching her romantic movie with Junior. I slugged more into my seat and pouted.

I loved being with my newfound family but then again sometimes I would just like to be by myself, escaping from all the chatter.

After a while of listening to my mom babble, I decided to check over to Avery when I had heard an australian voice. It was beautiful and thick, almost hoarse.

I turned my head to see a dashing young man take a seat next to Avery. From what I saw, Avery was surprised and delighted.

Exactly my opposite.

Why when I had just left, everything good started to happen? I swear I have such bad luck.

From what I heard, his name was Ashton or something, and he was in a band called 5tos or something like that. He seemed pretty intrested in their conversation, because he never broke eye-contact with Avery, making the jealous fumes inside of me realease even more. Just before I was about to look away, Avery shot a look at me that made me want to flip her off. But of course I would never do that because I have plenty of manners.

Before I looked away, she decided to go against all odds and flip me off! Proposterous!

Being risky, I slouched down more into my seat, raising up my middle finger to her.

"Juliet Monistead! Your manners! Now you're FORCED to stay here with me whether your happy or not!" said my mother, slapping my hand. I sighed in defeat and plugged my earbuds in.

I never got a fair chance at anything.

Avery's P.O.V

"Ahaha, really? Sounds like your life is a crazy rollercoaster," said Ashton, his face inching closer and closer to mine. I had decided to tell him about David earlier today and he was completly understanding about my idea of love and relationships. This apparently didn't stop him.

His eyes, ugh I'm about to vomit butterflies. Forget about David or Felix, this was going to be my thoughts until I leave the Bahama's. Away from paradise, away from him.

Before I realized, he was literally centimeters away from my face when I had zoned out. I blushed so hard I thought I looked similar to a red potato.

"You're very unique and beautiful in your own way, you know that right?" he said, leaning in to kiss me.

Should I kiss him?"

Any 5sos fans? Anyways, will she kiss him? You decide in the comments!

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