Chapter 5

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I woke up this morning feeling like absolute crap.

I yawned, smelling my own breath and practically gagging. I really should've brushed my teeth before heading to bed. It had smelled like a mixture of unknown junkfoods. 

I looked around my surroundings, noticing I still had my laptop on my bed, a bowl of popcorn, and an empty can of Pepsi. Must've been a crazy first night.

I moved the mouse on my laptop bringing it out of it's sleepy faze, and it opened onto YouTube, onto a video labeled, "Mad Father."

Oh now I remembered. I was watching Pewdiepie videos.

I wiped the eye crust, realizing that I had a lot more then usual, and yawned once more, this time covering my mouth so then I wouldn't smell my breath. I decided to scratch my head, realizing my bed head was a complete jungle of hair and popcorn. Wrong Decision. 

My hand got stuck in my hair, and with a few tugs, whispers of aid, and some teeth grinding, I managed to loosen up my hand. I had to tame this unspeakbable beast. 

I sighed eternally as I arose from my king bed, (The one thing JDot got right) out of my room,  and wobbled down the hallway, taking in the completely white walls with special paintings hung over them and the large window at the end letting in all the morning sunlight. The floors were a darkened hardwood, almost chocolate color. I hate hardwood floors that look splintered and light brown and old. But this hardwood was just perfect. 

I opened my arms wide, stretching while cherishing the sunlight. California wasn't this nice in the summer, believe it or not. Ok, maybe it was better. I'm just trying to lighten the situation here. I peeked around the opened bathroom door, finding Haley washing her hands.

"Hey Sissy," she said, before exiting, running down the hallway, jumping back in her room like a ballerina. I sighed, this time out loud, before going into the bathroom, closing the door.

"Yuck! Haley! Can someone please spray some air freshener in here!!!" I sad, closing my nose. There are not many things, but one thing that I hate my little sister for is using the bathroom, and afterwards it smelling like a pigsty. I looked in the toliet. She forgot to flush also. 

A small chuckle sounded from Haley, I pouted. 


"Thank you," I said as I took the frappe from the small stand. I never knew they had Starbucks here! Now before you say it, no, I'm not a common white girl, but my new obsession with Starbucks has become uncanny.

I grabbed my little sister's hand, and we continued walking around town. She had wanted to go for a stroll and sightsee with me. After getting a stern talking to with my mom. I would show you a flashback, but I'm not lazy to remember I-  


I breathed out loud, taking a sharp turn left, away from what I saw. It was little Timmy and that guy again. I forgot his name, oh what was it? I don't think he ever told me.

Haley looked at me, nothing but confused. I quickly ducked into a toy shop, the same one Timmy had brought me into.

Phew, quick escape. I wanted to avoid talking to any guy that I knew, besides Felix since he seemed the nicest that I've met since I'd been here. Well, one of the only guys I've met since I've been here.

Haley's eyes immediately brightened up as her eyes scanned over the walls and walls filled with toys. This wasn't you average toy shop. Like everything else in this town,  it looked old, everything made by wood. No florescent lights, but candles that stuck to the walls. Haley pulled me towards a hand carved doll, dressed delicately in fabric.  Well, many dolls dressed in fabric. Her eyes skimmed through each one, taking in all its features, and she finally pointed to one, dressed in a petite dress with a small sunhat on her head.

All of these dolls were unique, but I guess that was her favorite one. "I want this one," she said, her tongue sticking out, as if contemplating whether or not she should choose another one.

I gave her a sympathetic look, feeling bad that I only brought food money and left everything else at the house. "Sorry, but I only brought food money. Unless you want to starve, no."

"But sissy I want it!" she said, not yelled, but said as she stomped her foot. I looked around, and noticed that we got a few stares. But the people immediately turned their heads once I looked at them.

(FYI she calls her sissy as another word for sister, not the other definition)

I leaned in really close to her pouting face, my eyes immediately darkening.


She backed away, as If getting my signal that she'd better stop. I slowly raised, feeling pride. This was the only way to get Haley to not act like a brat in public. I grabbed her hand, and we exited the toy shop, taking in the fresh air.

"Maybe later, when mommy gives you your allowance," I said, brushing her bangs to the side. She nodded in agreement, her sudden smile showing happiness. 

As we began walking again, I felt a person touch my shoulder. The panic started to run through my veins, and with hesitation I grabbed their hand and flipped them.  A body flew over me and Haley, and landed with a loud thud.

"Ow!" the person yelled, sounding familiar.

I looked down, realizing that I had flipped Felix again. My eyebrows immediately scrunched, at first not recognizing who he was. It then finally 'dinged' in my head that I had hurt the 'celebrity' again. At least I would consider him to be a celebrity.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, getting down to my knees, feeling his shoulder blade, where he was clutching it himself.

Maybe next time I should turn my head to see who's there? 


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