✓Chapter 8

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Avery's P.O.V

"I-I need your help in order to find..... somebody," I began, sitting down, already on the verge on crying. The news was still fresh to me that I had a twin sister, and I was still incrediably fragile. I didn't know whether or not Marzia and Felix were good or not, judging by their little reunion in the cafe, but I still needed help, and I sure as ever wouldn't ask Carter. If that was even his name. 

My thoughts drifted back to Carter and his little brother Timmy. So irresponsible to lose such a little boy like that.... did my mom lose my twin like that? The anger refueled in me, but immediatly surpressed as I remebered I was in public.

"We're here to help," said Marzia, leaning her head on Felix's shoulder. He leaned his head on her head.

"Ok, now this may be breaking news but.... I have a twin sister, and the news had just been broken to me.... and I'm not sure how I can take it. Better yet, she's still alive, and I think she may be somewhere in Sweden," I finished, struggling to hold back the tears that threatend to fall. This was harder then I thought.

"Marzia and Felix were still looking at me, as if asking me to continue, and once I didn't, Felix adjusted his position, as if getting ready to tell me something. I waited, extremely eager.

"Last name?" he asked after like a minute or 2 of thinking. Seroiusly!

"Flanagan, just like mine," I said, fixing my skirt. I wasn't the one to wear skirts, but something was calling me, and that something was to wear a skirt today. The matierial was strechy, almost too tight, but it was comfortable, even if I got a few stares from some uninviting boys.

"We can check in the phone book!" he said, making my head pop up from staring down at my skirt. 

"Already tried, she apparently isn't there," I said, staring back down at my skirt. 

"Well if she was lost, she may have been adopted, and her last name changed, and she's probably in another state by now," he said, making me glare at him. 

"Gee, thanks for no help," I said sarcastically. 

"I'm not saying there's no way to find her, I'm just saying it'll be more difficult then what you bargained for, Avery," he said, making me sigh. Sadly, he was right. We had no trace to her. 

"Maybe.... maybe I can ask my mom some more questions, if she'll talk to me," I softly whispered. 

"Felix will come, I need to go home and take care of mama pewds," said Marzia. She and Felix shared a stare, meaning they knew something I didn't, but it really didn't matter. As long as I didn't go alone to talk to my mom. Maybe if she was infront of 1 person more, then she would spill more. 

Marzia got up, gave Felix a kiss and hug, and exited the cafe, swinging her handbag over her shoulder. Did she always have that? 

"Oook," said Felix, getting up from the hard metal seat and stretching. I did the same, and soon, we were out of the cafe, walking down the street towards our condo/apartment. We turned on the street, and Felix's eyes lit up. 

"This place brings back memories!" he said in awe. 

The hard stone walkway had brick buildings lined up against the side of the walls, no grass inbetween the building and the walkway. Trees protected the sunlight from hitting us, and were hung over us. The buidlings were to close not even a piece of paper could be squeezed in between them. 

We finally arrived at my home sweet home, both of us quickly jogging up the steps, and me ringing the doorbell rapidly. The sun was starting to set. 

Haley answered the door, a bright smile on her face at me, and then dropped to an even smaller smile when she saw Felix, as if pondering who he was. 

Felix smiled back down at her, and we entered, Haley shutting the door behind us. I walked into the living room, which now had beautiful watercolor paintings hung on each chocolate brown wall. A crisp new white couch was centered in the middle, and a '57 inch flatscreen was hung on the wall. When did this happen. Ugh, I was so unobservant. 

"Nice place," said Felix, sticking his hands in his pockets. 

"Thanks," I said under my breath. "Wait here." 

I dashed u[stairs, and before I passed the door, I heard faint crying, wait, scratch that, EXETREMELY faint crying. So soft, you could still here a pin drop. 

I slowly open the door, revealing my mom being held by JDot, both of them being rocked back and forth. 

Once I walked in, my mom immediatly began balling again, as if she had been holding it all in. I sat by her side, completly ignoring JDot. I touched her shoulder. 

"Mom, I brought help," I said, making her head immediatly pop up, as if she knew there was hope. But her head soon sulked down, as if finding out her puppy had died. 

"Honey, it was too long ago, maybe if we had help right at that time," she began. 

I nodded, and rose from the bed. 

"But that doesn't mean we've lost hope. Get ready and we'll meet you downstairs, it's time to take action," I said, and exited the room, jogging downstairs, when it hit me, 


When my twin had dissapeared..... did she do nothing to try and find her? 

I felt like punching the wall. 


I stormed the rest of the way downstairs, and completly ignored Felix's stares as I stormed into the kitchen. 

I had to throw something,  do anything to get the anger fueling inside of me out. 


I grabbed a knife in the drawer, and held it up to my arm. 

Going to Sweden |A Pewdiepie Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now